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Blockly Terms/tyv

From translatewiki.net

This page exists to help Blockly translators be consistent with each other.

Current Terms

To see a language's current translations (if they exist) of Blockly terms, select preferences, then select the language from the drop-down menu. (Using the English user interface, it appears in the "Internationalisation" section of the default "User profile" tab.)

  • Blockly: Apps.blocklyMessage (“Blockly”)
  • Blocks: Code.blocks (“Blocks”)
  • Colour: Apps.catColour (“Colour”)
  • Lists: Apps.catLists (“Lists”)
  • Loops: Apps.catLoops (“Loops”)
  • Text: Apps.catText (“Text”)
  • Variables: Apps.catVariables (“Variables”)
  • True: LOGIC BOOLEAN TRUE (“true”)
  • False: LOGIC BOOLEAN FALSE (“false”)
  • Procedures: Apps.catProcedures (“Functions”)

Language-specific notes

Feel free to add notes about any issues specific to your language.