How to know how many translations remains to make for bounty?

How to know how many translations remains to make for bounty?


KPu3uC B Poccuu10:03, 29 December 2012

You appear to not have read the rules. Project:Rally-2012-12 states you need to make 500 new translations for specified products. On Special:Rally500 you can check if you have done so.

Siebrand11:14, 29 December 2012

Really? What makes you think I have never read the rules?

KPu3uC B Poccuu16:17, 29 December 2012

Because the answer to your question is in the rules section.

Siebrand18:36, 29 December 2012

"new translations for eligible products on" doesn't really look like a link to page where you can see your stats, so it's not indicator of my knowledge of the rules :v

KPu3uC B Poccuu22:04, 29 December 2012