"nearby pages" → "topics of places nearby"

"nearby pages" → "topics of places nearby"

There are some related messages that need review of the use of "nearby" which should not refer to pages, but rather to their topic's places:

  • mobile-frontend-nearby-noresults ("Quiet out here... There weren't any pages found with nearby topics.")
    "Quiet out here ..." is both too colloquial and nonsense. Assume you get that in a crowded stadium or the like … — See (1).
  • mobile-frontend-nearby-sectiontext ("Near the topic of this page")
    Wrong words. Anything near the page would be inside the 19" rack where it is stored. ;-) — See (2)
  • mobile-frontend-nearby-noresults ("Quiet out here... There weren't any pages found with nearby topics.")
    The 2nd part of he message is wrong, a miswording. There are practically never any pages laying about nearby, I guess. :-) — See (3)
Purodha Blissenbach (talk)11:24, 28 May 2015