Date format in Kalmyk (xal) l10n of Mediawiki

Date format in Kalmyk (xal) l10n of Mediawiki

Please set this date format: YYYY җилин MM DD {(шин)}

Legend: YYYY - year (number), MM - month (system message january-gen, february-gen, and so on), DD - day (number). The "optional" text (шин) is added if DD is from 1 to 5. Examples:

  • 2006 җилин Лу сарин 17 means 2006-02-17
  • 2009 җилин Мөрн сарин 3 (шин) means 2009-04-3

Thanks, - Хуучин 20:09, 7 October 2009 (UTC)

I guess the optional text шин is not really optional? I can do everything else, but for the шин I have to figure something out. – Nike 05:38, 8 October 2009 (UTC)
Yes, this text is not really optional. --Хуучин 09:05, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
Any progress on this? Siebrand 12:08, 18 October 2009 (UTC)
Not really. I'm still pondering whether I should just ad hardcoded flag for it, or introduce syntax for conditionals. – Nike 15:46, 22 October 2009 (UTC)
Siebrand13:45, 9 November 2009

How about this: we add a new flag, for examplexs. This will call message timedate-suffix with the next number. It's still a bit open for what the syntax for that message would look like.

Some proposals:

  • st|nd|rd|th|th|th|th|th....
  • def=th|1=fs|2=nd|3=rd|21=fs...
  • def=|1-3= (шин)
  • def=th|n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11=st|n mod 10 is 2 and n mod 100 is not 12=nd|n mod 10 is 3 and n mod 100 is not 13=rd


Nike08:10, 10 November 2009

Bump. I need some comments before I can go forward!

Nike14:17, 23 November 2009

Some information regarding (шин) in Kalmyk Cyrillic. Actually:

  • I met this date writing in only Kalmyk-language newspaper (Хальмг Үнн) and in Kalmyk lessons.
  • Likely is only Internet site entirely done (more exact, is to be done) in Kalmyk Cyrillic.
  • In Mongolian edition of Mediawiki (Kalmyk is Mongolic language hence Mongolian is related. Furthermore, both of them used historically one script - Mongolian or Todo Mongolian script) I did not see (шин).

Since that, I doubt is шин really needed to be introduced into date format of software. I think YYYY җилин MM DD is enough. Хуучин 13:40, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

Хуучин13:40, 28 November 2009

Can you still provide information for time format and how to combine date and time?

Nike10:13, 8 December 2009