Dates on [[ku:Special:Notifications]]

Amir E. Aharoni Thank you. I was planning to ask there but it's better coming from someone with more experience.

Balyozxane (talk)21:31, 5 December 2022

Do you say that I have no experience? (16 years past here, longer in MediaWiki/Wikimedia, and much longer ni many aspects of i18n since the end of the 1980's). I gave you general help until you posted a screenshot and suggested you to post your request on Phabricator (like what Amir just did for you), because we could not find it inside MediaWiki itself or on this translatewiki site so it was maintained elsewhere. Anyway the report made by Amir on Phabricator will follow its way because it is apparently coming from a client-side component developed indepenadlty but integrated in the UI without detecting that it would cause such issue.

There are possibly similar issues in other recently integrated components for the UI (like Echo here, or possibly user-created gadgets that are also developed independantly and not tested with as many locales as those supported by MediaWiki on the server side). I18n/L10n is a long and complex work needing patience, tests, user reports, and design discussions and decisions (that may still evolve over time, MediaWiki itself has many other of such unresolved issues, including for integrating emerging standards and evolving best practices)...

Verdy p (talk)21:50, 5 December 2022

@Verdy p I'm appalled that you would think that. I was saying I'm inexperienced, definitely not you. I'm so sorry If I came across as rude. I initially regretted not answering your message but I thought you wouldn't mind that. Thanks for all your help. It's very much appreciated.

Balyozxane (talk)06:55, 6 December 2022