Gothic language problems

It seems "faux possible" (i.e. via adding language=got in url) to translate to got, as TranslateSettings.php on tells me:

$wgTranslateBlacklist = array(
'*' => array(
   'en' => 'English is the source language. Suggest improvements at [[Support]].',
   'ady' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in ady-cyrl please.',
   'aeb' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in aeb-arab please.',
   'als' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in gsw please.',
   'bat-smg' => 'This code is for compatibility purposes only. Localise in \'sgs\'',
   'bbc' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in bbc-latn please.',
   'bh' => 'This code is for compatibility purposes only. Localise in \'bho\'',
   'be-x-old' => 'This code is for compatibility purposes only. Localise in \'be-tarask\'',
   'cjy' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in cjy-hant please.',
   'crh' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in crh-latn or crh-cyrl please.',
   'dk' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in da please.',
   'fiu-vro' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in vro please.',
   'gan' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in gan-hant or gan-hans please.',
   'gom' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in gom-deva please.',
   #'got' => 'This is an [ ancient language] without enough information to create a localisation. It cannot be localised in',
   'hif' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in hif-latn please.',
   'ike' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in ike-cans or ike-latn please.',
   'iu' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in ike-cans or ike-latn please.',
   'kbd' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in kbd-cyrl please.',
   'kk' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in kk-cyrl please.',
   'kk-cn' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in kk-arab please.',
   'kk-kz' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in kk-cyrl please.',
   'kk-tr' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in kk-latn please.',
   'ks' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in ks-arab (Arabic script) or ks-deva (Devanagari script) please.',
   'ku' => 'This code is for compatibility purposes only. Localise in \'ku-latn\'',
   'no' => 'This language code should remain unused. Use \'nb\'',
   'oge' => 'This is a [ historical language]. It cannot be localised in',
   'roa-rup' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in rup nplease.',
   'ruq' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in ruq-latn please.',
   'simple' => 'This language code should remain unused.',
   'sr' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in sr-ec please.',
   'tg' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in tg-cyrl please.',
   'tp' => 'This language cannot be localised in It is not a valid language code.',
   'tokipona' => 'This language cannot be localised in It is not a valid language code.',
   'tt' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in tt-cyrl please.',
   'ug' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in ug-arab please.',
   'zh' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in zh-hans or zh-hant please.',
   'zh-classical' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in lzh please.',
   'zh-cn' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in zh-hans please.',
   'zh-tw' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in zh-hant please.',
   'zh-min-nan' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in nan please.',
   'zh-mo' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in zh-hk please.',
   'zh-my' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in zh-sg please.',
   'zh-sg' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in zh-hans please.',
   'zh-yue' => 'This language code should remain unused. Localise in yue please.',

Only the "got" line has a leading "#", which means it's a comment (why?).

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)14:04, 21 November 2015

We can find alternatives and reconstructions if necessary. Hebrew and Latin are ancient languages too and why does Old English have the right of their own translator interface and we not? They have the exact same problem. Currently I 'm sifting through everything and soon the Gothic wiki will be clean of horrible grammatical errors in the articles but we're stuck with a horrible interface. If I would literally convert some phrases in English they would look like: 'Views the lastest chang'. I have studied enough grammars to correct them but for some reason I 'm not allowed to, if we need to pay money to have it opened up again, please tell me. If this is the reason, then I ask the deletion of tghe Latin and Old English interface, they dont have a right to exist either then.

Gothicspeaker (talk)16:13, 14 December 2015