New language request for Min Bei Chinese (mnp).

What is the *prefered* Han variant: Hans or Hant ? Check the portal to make sure they are ordered by preference.

Note: the "disabled" status in the portal reflects the current state (to avoid linking to a non-open translation tool), it's not meant to block the activation of the language, if the site administrator accepts it. Just Removing the "disabled" state will still not activate the language in the translation tool.

But please specify which Han variant you intend to support (it cannot be guessed from the current Wikipedia Incubator that currently uses Latin viaibly preferably to Latin, then uses an unspecified Han variant, possibly both are mixed there).

For questions related to Babelboxes in the Incubator, this site is not the place to go, because Babelbox messages are translated inside Mediawiki itself: contact the Incubator admins to see what they can do for you.

Verdy p (talk)10:43, 22 July 2019

It should be "Hani".

Yejianfei (talk)22:41, 26 March 2022

With the native name you give (in Latin and Han), this Han name "閩北語" uses Traditional Chinese (Hant). For Simplified Chinese (Hans) it should be "闽北語"

So do you intend to use Latin or Hant as the default option for "mnp", or do you want to translate to "mnp-Latn" and "mnp-Hant" separately?

And how the conversion from Hant to Hans will be done (using the converter already used for Mandarin Chinese?)

Note that actual translations of messages should not be dual script (they should only fallback from one version to the other, possibly with the transliterator, or to another Chinese language with the same script variant.

You need to specify how each variant will fallback (to another variant or to another language)

Note that the Portal:Mnp page is already created. Check that names for variants are accurately identified.

Verdy p (talk)01:30, 27 March 2022