Qp voice link inv

Qp voice link inv

What '?' in Qp voice link inv ("User voice?") means?

fryed-peach13:15, 12 November 2009
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 11:44, 4 September 2011

I do not know. Also from the code it is not immediately clear to me - would have to install to become completely clear (we should have more people doing that and documenting messages from that experience with text and screenshots). I interpreted it as being a link to the voting behaviour of "a user" (or "the user themselves"?).

Siebrand13:50, 12 November 2009

I will leave it as is. Thanks anyway.

fryed-peach16:35, 13 November 2009

class qp_UserPollsList, used by Special:Pollresults page, may display QueryPage of polls "stat" links participated by particular single user. But sometimes admin of site wants to know the inverse information: which polls were NOT participated (not voted) by particular user of the site. In such case instance of qp_UserPollsList is created with property $this->inverse = true; and then 'qp_voice_link_inv' message is being used to display link "User voice?" for each entry of QueryPage:

$voice_link = $this->qpLink(
  wfMsg( 'qp_voice_link' . ( $this->inverse ? "_inv" : "" ) ),
    array( "id" => intval( $result->pid ), "uid" => $this->uid, "action" => "uvote" )

The question mark "states" that user did not vote in particular poll, however by pressing the "inv" link admin may check whether this particular user voted the poll _after_ the qp_UserPollsList::getIntervalResults() was performed.

I feel very sad that currently I don't have the possibility to implement major changes I planned for this extension. It is especially sad because something like 90% of work is done, while about 10% only is left to release much improved and flexible version.

QuestPC (talk)06:26, 26 July 2012