Registering an extension fork – partial message key collision

Hi, any updates on this? I have been thinking about this myself a bit, and the only solution I can think of would be to prefix the colliding messages on, but not in the extension. So, for example, UploadWizard would keep its tag-uploadwizard message here, but MediaUploader would be assigned mediauploader-tag-uploadwizard, which would be mapped to tag-uploadwizard during -> code repository migration.

I have no idea if this is possible or not.

Ostrzyciel (talk)16:13, 4 September 2022

Hi, sorry for the late reply. You can prefix message with "prefix = mediaupload-" in, see exisiting lines there.

I would suggest to send a patch for register of the new extension with the prefix lines for the message keys with collision.

I will review the patch.

Raymond07:40, 5 September 2022

Ah, that would solve it, thank you! I will submit a request to register the extension soon.

Ostrzyciel (talk)13:25, 6 September 2022