Request for bura language

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Last edit: 15:43, 12 June 2022

That user did not even reply about which script he would use: Latin or Arabic ? the highly related Marghi language (which is covering a large part of the same region, but extends also to other countries, has about 20 times more native speakers, and it is written in both scripts, including inside Nigeria itself (essentially in the two states of Borno and Adawara). Boura however is more local and apparently restricted to Nigeria (in the state of Borno only, but originally in a rural area with small vilalges, and it is likely that many of their sapeakers have related in more urban sectors, notably in the cities of Biu and Maiduguri, where there are much more native speakers of Marghi). If I look at the map of the areas where Marghi and Bura are spoken, it looks like they all use an official toponymy based on Marghi (or Hausa, which is also a Chadic language, but recognized officially, even if it has a simpler system of consonnants), now written in the Latin script, and they show no sign of the additional consonnants used in the Bura language (or clusters when written with the Latin-based orthography simplified by the use of the alphabet for English and Hausa).

Verdy p (talk)13:09, 12 June 2022

Latin (private communication).

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)14:47, 12 June 2022