About [[MediaWiki:Math-lp-formula-ref/en]]

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Last edit: 11:39, 18 December 2015

Really, the documentation is too ugly for me to l10n it better.

This sentense shows me two opinion, both need rewording:

  1. The rendered mathematical expression $1 which last edited by User $2 on $3, therefore $2 needs GENDER support
  2. The mathematical expression $1, which has rendered as $2 style during last edited on $3

And both opinions need date and time separated.

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)02:42, 6 December 2015

Or maybe it just missed some commas? "You are evaluating mathematical expression $1, rendered as $2, last edited on $3?"

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)02:47, 6 December 2015