[[Osm:Notifier.gpx notification.success.loaded successfully/en]] should use PLURAL

This message should use PLURAL for both parameters.

EugeneZelenko (talk)14:44, 19 October 2011

Ruby plurals are only possible on one parameter in a message. Yay for half-assed i18n frameworks by native English speakers. Please make a bug report in the OpenStreetMap tracker.

Siebrand23:08, 30 October 2011

That message isn't actually used at the moment, as we don't use the ruby GPX importer and the C one which we do use doesn't use the rails translations.

TomH (talk)09:52, 13 January 2012

Can you remove it, then?

Siebrand17:35, 13 January 2012

Well what I don't know is if anybody else is using the ruby importer.

Anyway one day I should get around to sorting out a way for the C code to do localised emails, which might wind up using the ruby strings...

TomH (talk)12:23, 14 January 2012