Thanks for all the translations from iNaturalist!

Hi B. Jankuloski, hope all is well. We're really eager to launch iNat in Macedonian and reach out to the Biology Students' Research Society as you suggested, but we need to hit the 75% threshold first Is there anything we can do to encourage you to hist this threshold, or advice on recruiting other Macedonian speaking translators?



Loarie (talk)01:23, 29 January 2015

Hello, Scott. I have been thinking about going on to translate more of it, possibly over 75% these days. I am the only one 'initiated' in the terminology, so I shall make the effort to translate as much as possible in the shortest time.

I'd like to point to a typo that has been made here, where in needs to be 'Macedonian.'


B. Jankuloski (talk)01:27, 29 January 2015