Moving AbuseFilter messages

Moving AbuseFilter messages

Hi, I just noticed you moved "Abusefilter-edit-throttle-*" messages to "Abusefilter-throttle-*". Thanks for doing it, I forgot to ask when sending the patch. However, I have a tiny concern: new messages are identical to the old ones, except that they don't have the first letter capitalized because the context where they're used has been changed. Would it be possible to automatically change the first letter to lowercase for every message? The list is "abusefilter-throttle-ip", "abusefilter-throttle-user", "abusefilter-throttle-range", "abusefilter-throttle-creationdate", "abusefilter-throttle-editcount", "abusefilter-throttle-site" and "abusefilter-throttle-page". Thanks in advance.

Daimona Eaytoy (talk)08:49, 15 November 2018

Hi, I have fuzzied these messages that means translators will get a hint to check the translation. But I am unable to lowercase the first letter for 2 reasons: I have no tool for this and I have no knowledge about most of the language. Personally I speak 3 only. So we have to wait for the translators to do this.

Raymond08:55, 15 November 2018

Nice, thanks again. It's fine, since this is mostly a visual change.

Daimona Eaytoy (talk)09:07, 15 November 2018