Interface translation update for Hakka language

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Siebrand

What did you mean by saying these?Hakka in Latin script is bad for us,and what we need is Hakka in Han(漢) script,and it will continue to be changed.We don't care what you do on your zh-min-nan.

Anson2812 (talk)14:35, 24 May 2013

I discussed with the Taiwan Hakka users and they agreed that the Latin script should be the default script. Over 97% of Hakka Wikipedia articles are currently written in the Latin script.

The Hakka Han script will be moved to hak-hant and users can individually configure their interface preferences when they are logged in by going to "My preferences" and choosing hak-hant.

Hakka (talk)16:55, 1 July 2016