The summary used for revisions created when saving category updates on view pages.
Identical messages: [edit this list]
- Mediawiki Extensions/Skins messages
- Inlinecategorizer-add-category ("Add category")
- Wikiforum-add-category ("Add category")
- Visualeditor-dialog-meta-categories-input-placeholder [with an article] ("Add a category")
- Myhome-feed-inserted-category-details ["Added", with PLURAL] ("{{PLURAL:$1|Added category|Added categories}}")
- Categoryselect-edit-summary ["adding", with plural] ("Adding categories")
- Mantis
- S add category button [capitalized] ("Add Category")
- Wikia
- Categoryselect-button-add ("Add category")
- Categoryselect-category-add [with trailing ellipsis] ("Add category...")
- See also