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Project activity requirements

From translatewiki.net

To ensure the valuable efforts of translators are utilized effectively and their work is meaningful, we've established project activity requirements at translatewiki.net. These requirements are designed to guarantee that translations are integrated and used. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in the removal of a project from our platform.

Translation integration requirements

Translations must be integrated into the main code branch at least once every three months. The integration process varies based on the project configuration:

  • Direct push to the main branch: Projects using this method automatically meet compliance.
  • Push to another branch: It's the responsibility of project maintainers to merge translation updates.
  • Pull or merge request: It's the responsibility of project maintainers to merge translation update requests.

For pull and merge requests, we automatically monitor the list of open requests and their duration. This is our primary method of tracking compliance; other methods depend on incidental discovery. Currently, we lack the resources to systematically review all projects for compliance.

Should a pull or merge request remain open for two months, we will contact the project requesting a merge. If after three months the request is still open, we will contact them again with a reminder about the project activity requirements.

Translation availability requirements

Projects vary widely, including websites, mobile apps, desktop applications, libraries, etc. The method of making translations available is determined by the project type but typically involves a release or deployment to a website.

We require translations to be made available to users regularly, at minimum once a year, but preferably much more frequently than that.

At present, we do not have the resources to regularly check all projects for compliance.

Notifications and removal process

Before considering the removal of a project, we make at least two attempts to contact the project using different methods if possible. If there is no response or compliance is not achieved within 6 months from the first contact, we will proceed with the removal of the project. However, if the project team engages with us and presents a credible plan to meet compliance, we may extend this timeline.