Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AcceptQueueMessagesTaskLists all translations the user can accept
AggregateMessageGroupGroups multiple message groups together as one big group
AndroidXmlFFSSupport for XML translation format used by Android
ApertiumWebServiceImplements support Apetrium translator api
ApiAggregateGroupsAPI module for managing aggregate message groups Only supports aggregate message groups defined inside the wiki
ApiGroupReviewAPI module for switching workflow states for message groups
ApiHardMessagesAPI module for marking translations hard Records the skip count for the message
ApiQueryLanguageStatsApi module for querying language stats
ApiQueryMessageCollectionApi module for querying MessageCollection
ApiQueryMessageGroupsApi module for querying MessageGroups
ApiQueryMessageGroupStatsApi module for querying message group stats
ApiQueryMessageGroupsTestDatabase medium
ApiQueryMessageTranslationsApi module for querying message translations
ApiStatsQueryA base module for querying message group related stats
ApiTokensTestUnit tests for api token retrieval
ApiTranslateSandboxWebAPI for the sandbox feature of Translate
ApiTranslateUserAPI module for collecting and accessing translation related information about the user
ApiTranslationAidsApi module for querying message aids
ApiTranslationReviewAPI module for marking translations as reviewed
ApiTranslationStashWebAPI module for storing translations for users who are in a sandbox
ApiTTMServerAPI module for TTMServer
BlackListTestUnit tests for blacklisting/whitelisting languages for a message group
CachedMessageIndexStorage on the object cache
CDBMessageIndexStorage on CDB files
ChangeSyncerSimple external changes syncer and conflict resolution
ComplexMessagesBase class which implements handling and translation interface of non-message MediaWiki items
CoreMessageGroupThis group supports the MediaWiki messages
CoreMostUsedMessageGroupThis class implements the "Most used messages" group for MediaWiki
CurrentTranslationAidTranslation aid which gives the current saved translation
CustomFilteredMessagesTaskProvides essentially free-form filtering access via tasks
DatabaseMessageIndexStorage on the database itself
DatabaseTTMServerMysql based backend
DocumentationAidTranslation aid which gives the message documentation
DtdFFSFile format support for DTD
ExportAsPoMessagesTaskExports messages as special Gettext format that is suitable for off-line translation with tools that support Gettext
ExportMessagesTaskExports messages to their native format with embedded textarea
ExportToFileMessagesTaskExports messages to their native format as whole page
FakeTTMServerNO-OP version of TTMServer when it is disabled
FallbacksCompareCreates graphml xml file of language fallbacks
FatMessageMessage object where you can directly set the translation
FCFontFinderWrapper around font-config to get useful ttf font given a language code
FFSInterface for file system support classes
FileBasedMessageGroupThis class implements default behavior for file based message groups
FlatPhpFFSImplements file format support for PHP files which consist of multiple variable assignments
FuzzyBotFuzzyBot - the misunderstood workhorse
FuzzyScriptClass for marking translation fuzzy
GettextDocumentationAidTranslation aid which gives Gettext documentation
GettextFFSNew-style FFS class that implements support for gettext file format
GettextPluralExceptionIdentifies Gettext plural exceptions
HTMLJsSelectToInputFieldImplementation of JsSelectToInput class which is extends HTMLTextField
IniFFSIniFFS currently parses and generates flat ini files with language code as header key
InOtherLanguagesAidTranslation aid which gives the "in other languages" suggestions
InsertableInsertable is a string that usually does not need translation and is difficult to type manually
InsertablesAidTranslation aid which suggests insertables
InsertablesSuggesterInsertable is a string that usually does not need translation and is difficult to type manually
JavaFFSJavaFFS class implements support for Java properties files
JavaScriptFFSGeneric file format support for JavaScript formatted files
JsonFFSJsonFFS implements a message format where messages are encoded as key-value pairs in JSON objects
JsSelectToInputCode for JavaScript enhanced <option> selectors
MachineTranslationAidTranslation aid which gives suggestion from machine translation services
MagicExportMaintenance class for the fast export of special page aliases and magic words
MagicWordsCMAdds support for translating magic words via Special:AdvancedTranslate
MediaWikiExtensionFFSManipulates ExtensionName.i18n.php style files
MediaWikiExtensionMessageGroupMessage group for MediaWiki extensions
MediaWikiExtensionTestTests that the special definition file is parsed properly
MediaWikiInsertablesSuggesterInsertable is a string that usually does not need translation and is difficult to type manually
MediaWikiMessageCheckerMediaWiki specific message checks
MediaWikiMessageCheckerTestUnit tests for MediaWikiMessageCheckerTest class
MediaWikiMessageGroupNew style message group for MediaWiki
MessageCheckerMessage checkers try to find common mistakes so that translators can fix them quickly
MessageCollectionCore message collection class
MessageCollectionTestTests for MessageCollection
MessageDefinitionAidTranslation aid which gives the message definition
MessageDefinitionsWrapper for message definitions, just to beauty the code
MessageGroupInterface for message groups
MessageGroupBaseThis class implements some basic functions that wrap around the YAML message group configurations
MessageGroupCacheCaches messages of file based message group source file
MessageGroupOldThis is the interface and base implementation of unmanaged message groups
MessageGroupsFactory class for accessing message groups individually by id or all of them as an list
MessageGroupStatesClass for making the use of message group state easier
MessageGroupStatesUpdaterJobLogic for handling automatic message group state changes
MessageGroupStatesUpdaterJobTestDatabase medium
MessageGroupStatsThis class abstract MessageGroup statistics calculation and storing
MessageHandleClass for pointing to messages, like Title class is for titles
MessageIndexCreates a database of keys in all groups, so that namespace and key can be used to get the groups they belong to
MessageIndexRebuildJobJob for rebuilding message index
MessageIndexRebuildJobTestUnit tests for MessageIndexRebuildJob class
MessageIndexTestDatabase large
MessageTablePretty formatter for MessageCollection objects
MessageUpdateJobJob for updating translation pages when translation or message definition changes
MessageWebImporterClass which encapsulates message importing
MicrosoftWebServiceImplements support for Microsoft translation api v2
MockMessageCollectionForExportThis class can be used to test exporting of message groups
MockSuperUserJust call SuperUser when you need to be able to do everything
NamespaceCMAdds support for translating namespace names via Special:AdvancedTranslate
PageTranslationHooksHooks for page translation
PageTranslationLogFormatterClass for formatting Translate page translation logs
PageTranslationParserTestCustom testing framework for page translation parser
PageTranslationTaggingTextDatabase medium
PHPVariableLoaderStuff for handling configuration files in PHP format
PluralCompareScript for comparing different plural implementations
PoImporterParses a po file that has been exported from Mediawiki
PopulateFuzzyA script to populate fuzzy tags to revtag table
PremadeIntuitionTextdomainsSupport for tools using Intuition at the Toolserver and Wikimedia Labs
PremadeMediawikiExtensionGroupsClass which handles special definition format for MediaWiki extensions
ProcessMessageChangesScript for processing message changes in file based message groups
PythonSingleFFSGeneric file format support for Python single dictionary formatted files
ReadableTTMServerInterface for TTMServer that can be queried (=all of them)
RefreshTranslatablePagesScript to ensure all translation pages are up to date
RemoteTTMServerClass for handling remote TTMServers over MediaWiki API
RemoteTTMServerWebServiceImplements support for ttmserver via MediaWiki API
ReviewAllMessagesTaskLists all translations for reviewing
ReviewMessagesTaskBasic task class for review mode
ReviewPerLanguageStatsGraph which provides statistics on number of reviews and reviewers
RevTagAbstraction for revtag table to handle new and old schemas during migration
RubyYamlFFSExtends YamlFFS with Ruby (on Rails) style plural support
SerializedMessageIndexStorage on serialized file
ShapadoJsFFSFile format support for Shapado, which uses JavaScript based format
SimpleFFSA very basic FFS module that implements some basic functionality and a simple binary based file format
SimpleFormatReaderExample implementation of old-style file format reader
SimpleFormatWriterExample implementation of old-style file format writer
SingleFileBasedMessageGroupSingleFileBasedMessageGroup is a special case of FileBasedMessageGroup
SolrTTMServerTTMServer backed based on Solr instance
SolrTTMServerTestlarge Database
SpecialFirstStepsImplements a special page which assists users to become translators
SpecialImportTranslationsSpecial page to import Gettext (.po) files exported using Translate extension
SpecialLanguageStatsImplements includable special page Special:LanguageStats which provides translation statistics for all defined message groups
SpecialMagicThis special page helps with the translations of MediaWiki features that are not in the main messages array (special page aliases, magic words, namespace names)
SpecialManageGroupsClass for special page Special:ManageMessageGroups
SpecialMessageGroupStatsImplements includable special page Special:MessageGroupStats which provides translation statistics for all languages for a group
SpecialMyLanguageUnlisted special page just to redirect the user to the translated version of a page, if it exists
SpecialPageAliasesCMAdds support for translating special page aliases via Special:AdvancedTranslate
SpecialPagesTestUnit tests for making sure special pages execute Database large
SpecialPageTranslationA special page for marking revisions of pages for translation
SpecialPageTranslationDeletePageSpecial page which enables deleting translations of translatable pages
SpecialPageTranslationMovePageOverrides Special:Movepage to to allow renaming a page translation page and all related translations and derivative pages
SpecialSupportedLanguagesImplements special page Special:SupportedLanguages
SpecialTranslateImplements the core of Translate extension - a special page which shows a list of messages in a format defined by Tasks
SpecialTranslateSandboxSpecial page for managing sandboxed users
SpecialTranslationsImplements a special page which shows all translations for a message
SpecialTranslationStashSpecial page for new users to translate example messages
SpecialTranslationStatsIncludable special page for generating graphs on translations
StashedTranslationValue object for stashed translation which you can construct
StatsBarCompact, colorful stats
StatsTableImplements includable special page Special:LanguageStats which provides translation statistics for all defined message groups
StringManglerInterface that key-mangling classes must implement
StringMatcherThe versatile default implementation of StringMangler interface
SupportAidTranslation aid which gives an url where users can ask for hlep
ThinMessageMessage object which is based on database result row
TMessageInterface for message objects used by MessageCollection
TPExceptionClass to signal syntax errors in translatable pages
TPParseThis class represents the results of parsed source page, that is, the extracted sections and a template
TPParseTestUnit tests for class TPParse
TPSectionThis class represents one individual section in translatable page
TranslatablePageClass to parse translatable wiki pages
TranslateDeleteJobContains class with job for deleting translatable and translation pages
TranslateEditAddonsVarious editing enhancements to the edit page interface
TranslateHooksSome hooks for Translate extension
TranslateHooksTestDatabase medium
TranslateLogFormatterClass for formatting Translate logs
TranslateMoveJobContains class with job for moving translation pages
TranslatePerLanguageStatsGraph which provides statistics on active users and number of translations
TranslatePreferencesClass to add Translate specific preference settings
TranslateRcFilterAdds a new filter to Special:RecentChanges which makes it possible to filter translations away or show them only
TranslateRegistrationStatsGraph which provides statistics about amount of registered users in a given time
TranslateRenderJobJob for updating translation pages when translation or template changes
TranslateSandboxUtility class for the sandbox feature of Translate
TranslateStatsOutputProvides heading, summaryheading and free text addition for stats output in wiki format
TranslateTaskBasic implementation and interface for tasks
TranslateTasksCollection of functions to get tasks
TranslateToolboxAdds extension specific context aware toolbox menu items
TranslateUtilsEssentially random collection of helper functions, similar to GlobalFunctions.php
TranslateYamlThis class is a wrapper class to provide interface to parse and generate YAML files with syck or spyc backend
TranslationEditPageThis class together with some JavaScript implements the AJAX translation page
TranslationFuzzyUpdaterTestTests for fuzzy flag change on edits
TranslationHelperExceptionTranslation helpers can throw this exception when they cannot do anything useful with the current message
TranslationHelpersProvides the nice boxes that aid the translators to do their job
TranslationStashStorageStorage class for stashed translations
TranslationStatsContains methods that provide statistics for message groups
TranslationStatsBaseProvides some hand default implementations for TranslationStatsInterface
TranslationStatsInterfaceInterface for producing different kinds of graphs
TranslationWebServiceExceptionUsed to signal a failure in an external web service
TSchema2Script to convert Translate extension database schema to v2
TTMServerSome general static methods for instantiating TTMServer and helpers
TTMServerAidTranslation aid which gives suggestion from translation memory
TTMServerBootstrapScript to bootstrap TTMServer translation memory
TTMServerMessageUpdateJobJob for updating translation memory
UnsupportedTranslationAidDummy translation aid that always errors
UpdatedDefinitionAidTranslation aid which gives the message definition
ViewMessagesTaskLists all non-optional messages with translations if any
ViewOptionalTaskLists optional messages
ViewUntranslatedTaskLists untranslated non-optional messages
WikiFormatReaderOld-style parser for MediaWiki i18n format (one file per language)
WikiFormatWriterOld-style writer for MediaWiki i18n format (one file per language)
WikiMessageGroupGroup for messages that can be controlled via a page in MediaWiki namespace
WikiPageMessageGroupWraps the translatable page sections into a message group
WikiWriterImport changes to wiki as given user
WritableTTMServerInterface for TTMServer that can be updated
XliffFFSPartial support for the Xliff translation format
YamlFFSImplements support for message storage in YAML format
YandexWebServiceImplements support for Yandex translation api v1
Generated on Tue Oct 29 00:00:39 2013 for MediaWiki Translate Extension by  doxygen 1.6.3