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About [[Okawix:Okawix-site.shop number and type of keys/en]]

Hi again,
Sorry, I had not noticed this problem with GO.
GO (I think it is more correct to write Go, but it's a detail) is indeed the abbreviation of the word Gigaoctet (octet means Byte, in English; it derives from the latine number octo, eight in English, because a byte contains "8 bits of information"). It is used in various languages, like French, Spanish…
In English it should probably be translated into GB, you're perfectly right.
Cheers, take care :-) Matthieu.

Linterweb16:59, 23 May 2011
Edited by author.
Last edit: 20:24, 2 June 2011

I've corrected the English version of this message. Maybe a native speaker should check that my version is correct…
I'd like to write a comment to explain what the parameters stand for. Is there on translatewiki any convention about how to write such comments?
Cheers, Matthieu.

Linterweb10:56, 24 May 2011

Please don't edit /en messages in the wiki - it does not have any effect. The change must happen in the source code. Comments can be placed in the qqq language.

Nike12:31, 24 May 2011

Linterweb will need translator rights to edit qqq - does he have them yet?

Lloffiwr12:57, 24 May 2011


Nike13:04, 24 May 2011

Ok, I've updated the qqq version. I'll try later to edit the source code on sourceforge. Cheers :-)

Linterweb13:40, 3 June 2011