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From translatewiki.net

About My Work on Translatewiki.net

Currently, I'm joining as a voluntary translator, to have experience on this Wikipedia project.
I also have a tech project, that in the long terms I would like to load Wikipedia about Historical 
Places and Persons to my project's feature. 
This is for viewers to reference easily to a Historical Character.

About Me

My Full-name is Anh Nguyen Bui Thien.
I'm now an Independent Researcher, Software Engineer. 
I'm from Vietnam, but really happy to be a global citizen, and have more international friends in this Wiki project.
I'm on Google Plus (At Home): (+thienanhnguyenbui/ Go to Page) 
I'm on Facebook (Mobile): (m.facebook.com/thien.anh.88/ Go to Page) 
Babel user information
vi-N Thành viên này xem tiếng Việt là ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ.
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
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