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Category:Users photos

From translatewiki.net

Please avoid uploading photos to this wiki:

  • Upload them instead to Wikimedia Commons, if they are for the public interest (and do not contain private information), under a compatible licence and with a significant name).
  • For user pages, upload your personal photos or graphics that specific to you (and not suitable for Wikimedia Commons) in Category:Images on user pages (and please reduce their resolution before the upload to just what is needed for rendering on your user page, this wiki does not support raster images with a surface larger than 12.5 megapixels : keep them under 3000x3000px (preferably under 800x800px to save storage ressources on the server of this wiki), and use a correct image converter to compress them and to discard personal infos, such as geolocation if a photo is showing you) prior to uploading them here.


This category has only the following subcategory.

Media in category "Users photos"

The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.