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From translatewiki.net

DIRECTORY should be the same as cli.arg.directory ("DIRECTORY").

do not translate 'base'.

This message is part of command line help output. Example of the output is given below. Do note that placeholders written in capital letters are translated separately from the help texts, and those translations should consistent.

$ java -jar FreeCol.jar --help
usage: java -Xmx2G -jar freecol.jar [OPTIONS]
 -?,--usage                               display this help screen
 -@,--help                                display this help screen
 -a,--advantages <ADVANTAGES>
 -C,--user-cache-directory <DIRECTORY>    set the FreeCol user cache
 -c,--user-config-directory <DIRECTORY>   set the FreeCol user
                                          configuration DIRECTORY
    --check-savegame <FILE>               check the given savegame for
 -d,--freecol-data <DIRECTORY>            set FreeCol's data DIRECTORY
                                          (has a subdirectory called
 -D,--difficulty <DIFFICULTY>             set the DIFFICULTY level
    --debug <DEBUG-MODES>
 -e,--europeans <EUROPEANS>               set the number of enabled
                                          nations (colonial EUROPEANS)
 -f,--font <FONTSPEC>                     set the default font
 -F,--full-screen                         run FreeCol in full screen mode
    --fast                                skip all setup dialogs
 -H,--headless                            run in headless mode
 -L,--default-locale <LOCALE>             set the default locale
 -l,--load-savegame <FILE>                load the given savegame FILE
    --log-console                         log to console in addition to
    --log-file <NAME>                     set the FreeCol log file
                                          (defaults to FreeCol.log)
    --log-level <LOGLEVEL>                set the java log level to
 -m,--meta-server <HOST:PORT>             set the ADDRESS and PORT for the
 -n,--name <NAME>                         provide a NAME for the player
    --no-intro                            skip the intro video
    --no-java-check                       skip the java version check
    --no-memory-check                     skip the memory check
    --no-sound                            run FreeCol without sound
    --no-splash                           skip the splash screen
 -O,--clientOptions <OPTIONS FILE>        XML file containing client user
 -p,--private                             start a private server (not
                                          published to the metaserver)
 -R,--debug-run <TURNS[,SAVENAME]>        run N turns in debug mode, then
                                          optionally save and quit
 -r,--rules <NAME>                        load the rules with the given
 -S,--debug-start                         immediately start a new single
                                          player game
 -s,--splash <FILE>                       display a splash screen image
                                          FILE while loading the game
    --server                              start a stand-alone server
    --server-ip <IP>                      specify a binding IP for the
    --server-name <NAME>                  specify a custom NAME for the
    --server-port <PORT>                  specify a custom PORT for the
 -t,--tc <NAME>                           load the total conversion with
                                          the given NAME
 -T,--timeout <TIMEOUT>                   number of seconds the server
                                          waits for an answer to a
 -u,--user-data-directory <DIRECTORY>     set the FreeCol user data
 -v,--version                             display the version number and
 -w,--windowed <WIDTHxHEIGHT>             run FreeCol in windowed mode,
                                          with optional DIMENSIONS
 -Z,--seed <SEED>                         provide a SEED for the
                                          pseudo-random number generator