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From translatewiki.net

This is used in the core MediaWiki listToText() method in the Language class to create lists with the word "and" before the last item.

Notably, it is the translation for "and" that appears in the Special:Version page, between the last two items of a list. If a comma is needed, add it at the beginning without a gap between it and the  .

  is a blank space, one character long, as a numeric character entity reference (in order to avoid its automatic removal at the start of the wikipage). Please leave it as it is (this does not imply any semicolon punctuation), or remove the whole sequence completely in languages that don't use a leading space.

This can also appear in the credits page if the credits feature is enabled, for example the credits of the support page. (To view any credits page, type &action=credits at the end of any URL in the address bar.)