Used as error message in HTML forms.
- Htmlform-invalid-input ("
There are problems with some of your input.
") - Htmlform-required ("
This value is required.
") - Htmlform-int-invalid ("
The value you specified is not an integer.
") - Htmlform-int-toolow ("
The value you specified is below the minimum of $1.
") - Htmlform-int-toohigh ("
The value you specified is above the maximum of $1.
") - Apifeatureusage-htmlform-date-invalid ("
The value you specified is not a recognized date. Try using YYYY-MM-DD format.
") - Apifeatureusage-htmlform-date-toolow ("
The value you specified is before the earliest allowed date of $1.
") - Apifeatureusage-htmlform-date-toohigh ("
The value you specified is after the latest allowed date of $1.
") - Apifeatureusage-htmlform-daterange-badoption (page does not exist)
- Apifeatureusage-htmlform-daterange-toolow (page does not exist)
- Apifeatureusage-htmlform-daterange-toohigh (page does not exist)