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From translatewiki.net

Options for the duration of the block.

Be careful with the format of this message.

This message is a comma-separated list with each item a colon-separate pair of the form translation:english. Only the first part (translation) should be translated, and the second part (english) must stay in English.

For example:

  • In English: 1 hour:1 hour,1 day:1 day
  • In Dutch: 1 uur:1 hour,1 dag:1 day

Similar messages:

  • Protect-expiry-options (“1 hour:1 hour,1 day:1 day,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year,infinite:infinite”)
  • Userrights-expiry-options (“1 day:1 day,1 week:1 week,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year”)
  • Ipboptions (“2 hours:2 hours,1 day:1 day,3 days:3 days,1 week:1 week,2 weeks:2 weeks,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year,indefinite:infinite”)
  • Watchlist-expiry-options (“Permanent:infinite,1 week:1 week,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year”)