

This is the text of a navigation link displayed as part of the navigation header rendered at top and bottom of pages that are showing a limited part of the Revision history for a specific page as a list of logged messages for changes for that page (with their submitted summary, if applicable), sorted in backward date order

E.g. the User's contributions page (in date order), or the list of all categories (in alphabetical order), e.g. “Support”: Revision history.

  • $1 and $2 are either Pager-older-n ("{{PLURAL:$1|older 1|older $1}}") and Pager-newer-n ("{{PLURAL:$1|newer 1|newer $1}}") (for date order) or Prevn ("previous {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}") and Nextn ("next {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}") (for alphabetical order).

It is also used by Whatlinkshere pages, where:

  • $1 and $2 are Whatlinkshere-prev ("{{PLURAL:$1|previous|previous $1}}") and Whatlinkshere-next ("{{PLURAL:$1|next|next $1}}").
  • $3 is made up in all cases of the various proposed numbers of results per page, e.g. "(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)".

For “Special” pages, the navigation bar is most often prefixed by either:

This Viewprevnext message is sometimes preceded by either:

  • the Showingresultsnum ("Showing below {{PLURAL:$3|<strong>1</strong> result|<strong>$3</strong> results}} starting with #<strong>$2</strong>.") message (for Special pages), or
  • the Linkshere ("The following pages link to <strong>$2</strong>:") message (for WhatLinksHere pages).

Refers to Pipe-separator ("&#32;|&#32;").