

A message shown to a globally blocked user trying to edit.

It is a customised version of globalblocking-ipblocked ("'''{{int:globalblocking-blockedtext-all-wikis}}''' The block was made by $1 ($2). {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$3}}. * {{int:blockedtext-start-time|$4}} * {{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$5}} {{int:globalblocking-blockedtext-blocker-admin|$1}} {{int:globalblocking-blockedtext-email-feature}} {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$6}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}").

This message is similar to a MediaWiki core message.


  • $1 - the username of the blocking user (steward), with a link
  • $2 - the project name where the blocking user is registered (usually "" on Wikimedia servers)
  • $3 - the reason specified by the blocking user
  • $4 - a timestamp for when the block was set
  • $5 - a timestamp for when the block will expire (or Infiniteblock ("infinite"))
  • $6 - the IP address of the globally blocked user

Refers to:

Otherwise, to discuss the block please [[m:Steward requests/Global|post a request for review on Meta-Wiki]].")