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From translatewiki.net
This is an optional message. Do not translate it if it would remain unchanged in your language.

This is a string which is (usually) put between words of the language. It is used, e.g. when messages are concatenated (appended to each other). Note that you must express a space as html entity   because the editing and updating process strips leading and trailing spaces from messages.

Most languages use a space, but some Asian languages, such as Thai and Chinese, do not.

Please pay attention to the output method of this message, which influences how the translated message can be formatted and how it will be processed and rendered:

The plain format does not allow any processing. This means the following features are not allowed: MediaWiki magic words (such as {{SITENAME}}), parser functions (such as {{PLURAL:}}, {{GENDER:}}, {{ns:}}, {{#special:}}, etc.), wikitext markup (such as '''bold text''', [[wikilink|text]], etc.), HTML markup (such as <span lang="en">foo</span>), HTML character entities (such as &zwsp;, &#123;).
Due to limitations in the software using this message, only three very specific HTML character entities allowed even in plain mode; they are:

  • &#32; (regular space)
  • &nbsp; (non-breaking space, named)
  • &#160; (non-breaking space, numerical)