MediaWiki messages
- MediaWiki:userpage/pl - required parameter, whose page is
- MediaWiki:actionthrottledtext/pl
- MediaWiki:logouttitle/pl
- MediaWiki:logouttext/pl
- MediaWiki:yourname/pl
- MediaWiki:loginprompt/pl
- MediaWiki:notloggedin/pl
- MediaWiki:username/pl
- MediaWiki:uid/pl
- MediaWiki:prefs-help-email/pl
- MediaWiki:nocookiesnew/pl
- MediaWiki:nocookieslogin/pl
- MediaWiki:loginsuccess/pl
- MediaWiki:passwordtooshort/pl
- MediaWiki:passwordremindertext/pl
- MediaWiki:noemail/pl
- MediaWiki:passwordsent/pl
- MediaWiki:acct_creation_throttle_hit/pl
- MediaWiki:login-throttled/pl
- MediaWiki:resetpass_announce/pl
- MediaWiki:resetpass_bad_temporary/pl
- MediaWiki:resetpass-no-info/pl
- MediaWiki:resetpass-wrong-oldpass/pl
- MediaWiki:anoneditwarning/pl
- MediaWiki:missingsummary/pl
- MediaWiki:blockedtitle/pl
- MediaWiki:blockedtext/pl
- MediaWiki:autoblockedtext/pl
- MediaWiki:blockednoreason/pl - no parameter-name those who caused this message
- MediaWiki:confirmedittext/pl
- MediaWiki:nosuchsectiontext/pl
- MediaWiki:accmailtext/pl
- MediaWiki:userpage-userdoesnotexist/pl
- MediaWiki:clearyourcache/pl
- MediaWiki:usercsspreview/pl
- MediaWiki:userjspreview/pl
- MediaWiki:userinvalidconfigtitle/pl
- MediaWiki:explainconflict/pl
- MediaWiki:readonlywarning/pl - no parameter - name of administrator
- MediaWiki:edit-no-change/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-nooldid-text/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-nologtype-text/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-toomanytargets-text/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-nologid-text/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-logentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:logdelete-logentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:revdelete-uname/pl
- MediaWiki:prefsnologin/pl
- MediaWiki:prefs-personal/pl
- MediaWiki:userrights-lookup-user/pl
- MediaWiki:editusergroup/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:editinguser/pl
- MediaWiki:userrights-groups-help/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:userrights-editusergroup/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-user-member/pl
- MediaWiki:group-autoconfirmed-member/pl
- MediaWiki:group-sysop-member/pl
- MediaWiki:group-bureaucrat-member/pl
- MediaWiki:group-suppress-member/pl
- MediaWiki:rightslogentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:action-block/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:Number of watching users pageview/pl/pl - if only one user needed parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:fileexists/pl
- MediaWiki:filepageexists/pl
- MediaWiki:uploadedimage/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:overwroteimage/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:usercreated/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:newpages-username/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:newuserlog-create-entry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:newuserlog-create2-entry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:emailuser/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:emailpage/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:emailpagetext/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:noemailtext/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:nowikiemailtext/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:email-legend/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:emailuserfooter/pl
- MediaWiki:watchlistfor/pl
- MediaWiki:enotif impersonal salutation/pl
- MediaWiki:enotif_subject/pl
- MediaWiki:enotif_body/pl
- MediaWiki:excontentauthor/pl
- MediaWiki:historywarning/pl
- MediaWiki:deletedtext/pl
- MediaWiki:deletedarticle/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:suppressedarticle/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:alreadyrolled/pl
- MediaWiki:revertpage/pl
- MediaWiki:rollback-success/pl
- MediaWiki:protectedarticle/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:modifiedarticleprotection/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:unprotectedarticle/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:movedarticleprotection/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:prot_1movedto2/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:undeletedarticle/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:undeletedfiles/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:contributions/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:contributions-title/pl
- MediaWiki:contribsub2/pl
- MediaWiki:blockipsuccesstext/pl
- MediaWiki:unblocked/pl
- MediaWiki:blocklistline/pl
- MediaWiki:autoblocker/pl
- MediaWiki:blocklogentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:reblock-logentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:unblocklogentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:ipb_already_blocked/pl
- MediaWiki:ipb-needreblock/pl
- MediaWiki:cant-block-while-blocked/pl
- MediaWiki:locknoconfirm/pl
- MediaWiki:movepagetext/pl
- MediaWiki:1movedto2/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:1movedto2_redir/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:import-logentry-upload/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:import-logentry-interwiki/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:tooltip-t-contributions/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:tooltip-t-emailuser/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:siteuser/pl
- MediaWiki:lastmodifiedatby/pl
- MediaWiki:patrol-log-line/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:confirmemail_noemail/pl
- MediaWiki:confirmemail_text/pl
- MediaWiki:confirmemail_pending/pl
- MediaWiki:confirmemail_oncreate/pl
- MediaWiki:confirmemail_body/pl
- MediaWiki:deletedwhileediting/pl
- MediaWiki:confirmrecreate/pl
- MediaWiki:Editcomment/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:Autosumm-new/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
MediaWiki extensions used by Wikimedia
- MediaWiki:group-accountcreator-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-autopatroller-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-developer-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-founder-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-import-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-ipblock-exempt-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-rollbacker-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-transwiki-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-uploader-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-steward-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-sysadmin-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-Global_rollback-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-Ombudsmen-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:wmf-group-Staff-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:group-coder-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:renameusererrorexists/pl
- MediaWiki:renameusererrortoomany/pl
- MediaWiki:renameusersuccess/pl
- MediaWiki:renameuserlogentry/pl
- MediaWiki:renameuser-move-log/pl
- MediaWiki:group-oversight-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:hiderevision-link/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:oversight-log-hiderev/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:oversight-header/pl
- MediaWiki:oversight-oversighter/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:globalblocking-list-blockitem/pl
- MediaWiki:globalblocking-unblock-unblocked/pl
- MediaWiki:globalblocking-block-logentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:globalblocking-unblock-logentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:globalblocking-whitelist-logentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:globalblocking-dewhitelist-logentry/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:contrib-tracking-continue/pl
- MediaWiki:captchahelp-text/pl
- MediaWiki:coll-clear_collection_confirm/pl
- MediaWiki:coll-rendering_finished_text/pl
- MediaWiki:code-author-haslink/pl
- MediaWiki:code-author-success/pl
- MediaWiki:code-author-unlinksuccess/pl
- MediaWiki:code-field-author/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:code-field-user/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:code-rev-author/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:codereview-email-body/pl
- MediaWiki:group-checkuser-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:checkuser-email-action/pl
- MediaWiki:checkuser-reset-action/pl
- MediaWiki:centralnotice-confirm-delete/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-merge-dryrun-incomplete/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-merge-dryrun-home/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-incomplete-text/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-not-owner-text/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-list-home-dryrun/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-foreign-link/pl - maybe it is not easy
- MediaWiki:centralauth-finish-problems/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-admin-manage/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-admin-username/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-admin-lookup/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-admin-info-id/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-log-entry-delete/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-log-entry-lock/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-log-entry-unlock/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-log-entry-hide/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-log-entry-unhide/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-log-entry-lockandhide/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-usergroups/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-groupperms/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-groupperms2/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-groupperms3/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-newset/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-setrename/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-setnewtype/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-rightslog-entry-setchange/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:centralauth-autologin-desc/pl
- MediaWiki:centralauth-editgroup-success-text/pl
- MediaWiki:boardvote_intro/pl
- MediaWiki:boardvote_intro_change/pl
- MediaWiki:boardvote_notqualified/pl
- MediaWiki:group-boardvote-member/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:boardvote_blocked/pl
- MediaWiki:boardvote_bot/pl
- MediaWiki:boardvote_redirecting/pl
- MediaWiki:antispoof-name-illegal/pl
- MediaWiki:abusefilter-blocked-display/pl
- MediaWiki:abusefilter-reautoconfirm-none/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:abusefilter-revert-success/pl
- MediaWiki:abusefilter-test-user/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
Other messages
- MediaWiki:Foe request subject/pl
- MediaWiki:Babel/pl - no parameter with the name of the user
- MediaWiki:G-delete-message/pl
- MediaWiki:G-error-message-invalid-link/pl
Other errors
- MediaWiki:revdelete-hid/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-unhid/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-uname/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-summary/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-content/pl
Change to:
- MediaWiki:revdelete-hid-uname/pl = MediaWiki:revdelete-hid/pl + MediaWiki:revdelete-uname/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-hid-summary/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-hid-content/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-unhid-uname/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-unhid-summary/pl
- MediaWiki:revdelete-unhid-content/pl
Because now I can not translate this to be correct in Polish, because of the inflection.