Portal talk:Ne/LiquidThreads

From translatewiki.net
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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
First translation attempt in wikitranslate.net for Nepali language.110:21, 2 October 2010

First translation attempt in wikitranslate.net for Nepali language.

Dear all, I have tried to translate some of the interfaces in translatewiki.net so that the future generations could use it in Nepali. I hope this will be useful. I found quite interesting because some of the translations were already done and that seems quite awesome.

I think they have been trying to incorporate the system messages from the translated messages from Nepali wikipedia.

Long ago, I used to translate some of the system messages in Nepali Wikipedia.

RajeshPandey10:17, 2 October 2010

Oh I found Eukesh and Saroj have done incredible jobs before in wikitranslate.net and have translated many system messages in the past. That's incredible :)

RajeshPandey10:21, 2 October 2010