- MediaWiki Core messages
- Grant-basic ("
Basic rights
") - Grant-blockusers ("
Block and unblock users
") - Grant-createaccount ("
Create accounts
") - Grant-createeditmovepage ("
Create, edit, and move pages
") - Grant-delete ("
Delete pages, revisions, and log entries
") - Grant-editinterface ("
Edit the MediaWiki namespace and sitewide/user JSON
") - Grant-editmycssjs ("
Edit your user CSS/JSON/JavaScript
") - Grant-editmyoptions ("
Edit your user preferences and JSON configuration
") - Grant-editmywatchlist ("
Edit your watchlist
") - Grant-editpage ("
Edit existing pages
") - Grant-editprotected ("
Edit protected pages
") - Grant-highvolume ("
High-volume (bot) access
") - Grant-oversight ("
Hide users and suppress revisions
") - Grant-patrol ("
Patrol changes to pages
") - Grant-privateinfo ("
Access private information
") - Grant-protect ("
Protect and unprotect pages
") - Grant-rollback ("
Rollback changes to pages
") - Grant-sendemail ("
Send email to other users
") - Grant-uploadeditmovefile ("
Upload, replace, and move files
") - Grant-uploadfile ("
Upload new files
") - Grant-viewdeleted ("
View deleted files and pages
") - Grant-viewmywatchlist ("
View your watchlist
") - Grant-viewrestrictedlogs ("
View restricted log entries
- MediaWiki Extensions messages
- Grant-checkuser ("
Access checkuser data
") - Grant-mwoauth-authonly ("
User identity verification only, no ability to read pages or act on a user's behalf.
") - Grant-mwoauth-authonlyprivate ("
User identity verification only with access to real name and email address, no ability to read pages or act on a user's behalf.
") - Grant-oath ("
Access two-factor authentication (OATH) information for self and others