How to apply to add my open source project translations?

Hello 机智的小鱼君,

Happy new year.

Would it be possible for you to create a task on Phabricator by following this link? Phab task link

Secondly, I see that there is a single file that has the source and translations - Can we break these up into different files?

  • en.json
  • fr.json


I would also add a qqq.json file, that will have message documentation.


Abijeet Patro (talk)14:16, 4 January 2021

Thanks for reply!

I'll create the task on phabricator.

Btw, the languages.json file will be discarded. I realized that it is stupid to put strings of all languages in single file. So I'll using in the next versions.

机智的小鱼君 (talk)15:59, 4 January 2021

Alright, let me know if you need any help.


Abijeet Patro (talk)14:22, 6 January 2021