Typos in messages

Typos in messages

Hi! There is a spelling mistake here: MediaWiki:Translate-fs-settings-text (langauge -> language). And maybe also here: MediaWiki:Translate-fs-permissions-text (filed -> filled). Can someone correct them, please? Thanks.

Peter1703:21, 12 June 2010

I have spotted 3 mistakes in all in MediaWiki:Translate-fs-settings-text.

In the second paragraph third word should be "language", as noted above, and the last but one word should be "highly".

In the last paragraph the word "back" is not needed.

In Translate-fs-permissions-text I assume that "filed" is correct, in the sense of "submitted". I think that you would hear "file" more often used in the US and "submit" in the UK. Have added this as a translation hint to the qqq page.

Lloffiwr09:32, 12 June 2010

Done Done "filed" is not a typo, but I have changed it to submitted.

Siebrand12:34, 12 June 2010