Wrong accented letters in Hungarian translations

Wrong accented letters in Hungarian translations

Just noticed that there are widespread usages of Õ and õ in the Hungarian translation of FreeCol. This is from the times when UTF-8 was not widespread, and translators used these characters instead of the correct Ő and ő to make 8859-1-compatible translations. (More info)

Nowadays this is unneccessary and disturbing for a Hungarian reader (these characters are not members of our alphabet). Is there any quick method to replace them without the need to edit them one by one?

Dani22:08, 30 April 2011

I can run a bot over the /hu pages. Can you provide me with a list of replacements that with 100% certainty will be *correct* replacements? Format: A => B, one on each line.

Siebrand22:55, 30 April 2011
Õ => Ő
õ => ő
Û => Ű
û => ű

All occurrences can be certainly replaced, as these letters are not valid in any context here.

Dani23:03, 30 April 2011

over 32k messages checked, about 100 replacements made.

Siebrand21:12, 1 May 2011


Dani21:19, 1 May 2011