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Thank you from Blockly!

Thank you from Blockly!

I'm delighted that you started work on translating Blockly into Hindi, the most popular language for which we do not yet have a translation. Please let me know if you have any questions.

We'd like to list you on the credits page. Please let me know how you'd like to appear.

Thanks again!

Ellen Spertus (talk)16:40, 11 December 2013

Hi, Thank you for your comments. I am excited to be part of Blockly translaion team. I'll keep you posted if i have any questions/concerns. Thanks Vivek

Bl707 (talk)21:58, 12 December 2013

Hi Ellen, I am also reviewing and translating Kiwix project, wondering if i need to send a separate translation permission request for Kiwix project or grant is one time thing i.e. global to all projects?

Thanks BL707

Bl707 (talk)18:18, 20 December 2013

Global to all projects.

Ellen Spertus (talk)18:42, 20 December 2013