Thank you from Blockly!

Thank you from Blockly!

Thanks so much for the Hebrew translation of the Blockly puzzle! Neil was particularly pleased to be able to test out the right-to-left support (which indeed needed debugging). If you'd like to view the translated version online, it's at [].

Espertus (talk)00:28, 30 May 2013

You're welcome. Regarding the translated version: it seems to be working, but there are a couple of bugs:

  1. The .blocklySvg class needs a CSS rule that says direction:rtl.
  2. "Apps" is not in the list of strings to translate. Currently it shows up as Apps < Blockly < פאזל instead of Blockly > אפליקציות > פאזל.
Inkbug (talk)06:41, 30 May 2013

Thanks, Inkbug. I'll talk to our CSS guy about direction:rtl, and we're currently discussing what to do with the "Apps" string, which I agree looks doubly awful in Hebrew.

Espertus (talk)17:34, 7 June 2013

Our JavaScript/CSS hacker said you are absolutely right and pointed me to inject.js, which has this comment:

 // Sadly browsers (Chrome vs Firefox) are currently inconsistent in laying
 // out content in RTL mode.  Therefore Blockly forces the use of LTR,
 // then manually positions content in RTL as needed.

We have decided to restructure our site to get rid of "Apps".

Thanks again!

Espertus (talk)20:43, 7 June 2013

I see (I only tested in Firefox). According to this the direction:rtl; handling is a bug in Firefox, and I hope it will be fixed soon. Until then, maybe add direction:rtl; text-anchor:end; to .blocklyText, and remove the text-anchor:end; part in Firefox (based on some browser or feature detection script)?

Inkbug (talk)18:11, 8 June 2013

I'll pass along the suggestion.

Espertus (talk)17:04, 10 June 2013