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Translating:Colorless echo JavaScript kit

From translatewiki.net
Colorless echo JavaScript kit logo.
Colorless echo JavaScript kit logo.

The Colorless echo JavaScript kit aims to develop a JavaScript module framework that is simple to use with some interesting features.

This library uses a small tool _build/build.nodejs.js on GitHub to synchronize source codes and localized message json files pushed by translatewiki. If you are managing a JavaScript project, it would be great if you could join the development of this tool.
本函式庫採用一支小工具 _build/build.nodejs.js 來同步原始碼以及 translatewiki 推送的本土化訊息 json 檔案。假如您也管理著 JavaScript 項目,非常歡迎您一同參與開發。

Project information:

Translation Notes

Plural form

This project CeJS supports the MediaWiki forms {{PLURAL:%1|one|other}} and {{PLURAL:%1|1=one|2=two|other}} mentioned in Plural#Plural syntax in MediaWiki. It uses the plural rules listed here.

Please note: CeJS uses percentage symbol %1, %2 instead of string symbol $1.

See also: Thread:Portal talk:Ru/Plural changes in many languages

The "GETTEXT" forms is NOT supported
{{PLURAL:GETTEXT|%1 one|%1 two|%1 other}}. Please use the MediaWiki plural forms.


2 forms (singular/one, plural/few/many/unknown/zero/other)
{{PLURAL:0|one page|no or several pages}} → no or several pages
{{PLURAL:1|one page|no or several pages}} → one page
{{PLURAL:2|one page|no or several pages}} → no or several pages
2 forms (singular/zero/one, plural/few/many/unknown/other)
{{PLURAL:0|zéro ou une page page|plusieurs pages}} → zéro ou une page page
{{PLURAL:1|zéro ou une page page|plusieurs pages}} → zéro ou une page page
{{PLURAL:2|zéro ou une page page|plusieurs pages}} → plusieurs pages
zh, ja, ko
only 1 form (請注意:中文不必採用複數形式)
{{PLURAL:0|zero or more page|unused}} → zero or more page
{{PLURAL:1|zero or more page|unused}} → zero or more page
{{PLURAL:2|zero or more page|unused}} → zero or more page
{{PLURAL:1|字}} → 字
{{PLURAL:2|字}} → 字
3 forms (singular, plural/many, zero/dual/paucal/few/unknown/other); depends on the last two digits (n1 is singular and n2 to n4 are dual/paucal, excepting 11 to 14 which are plural)
0 страниц{{PLURAL:0|а||ы}}, 100 страниц{{PLURAL:100|а||ы}} → 0 страниц, 100 страниц
1 страниц{{PLURAL:1|а||ы}}, 101 страниц{{PLURAL:101|а||ы}} → 1 страница, 101 страница
2 страниц{{PLURAL:2|а||ы}}, ..., 4 страниц{{PLURAL:4|а||ы}} → 2 страницы, ..., 4 страницы
5 страниц{{PLURAL:5|а||ы}}, ..., 20 страниц{{PLURAL:20|а||ы}} → 5 страниц, ..., 20 страниц
21 страниц{{PLURAL:21|а||ы}} → 21 страница
22 страниц{{PLURAL:22|а||ы}}, ..., 24 страниц{{PLURAL:24|а||ы}} → 22 страницы, ..., 24 страницы
25 страниц{{PLURAL:25|а||ы}}, ..., 30 страниц{{PLURAL:45|а||ы}} → 25 страницц, ..., 30 страницц
31 страниц{{PLURAL:31|а||ы}} → 31 страница
32 страниц{{PLURAL:32|а||ы}}, ..., 34 страниц{{PLURAL:24|а||ы}} → 32 страницы, ..., 34 страницы
Категори{{PLURAL:|я|й|и}}: 0 категори{{PLURAL:0|я|й|и}}, 1 категори{{PLURAL:1|я|й|и}}, 2 категори{{PLURAL:2|я|й|и}}, 5 категори{{PLURAL:5|я|й|и}} → Категории: 0 категорий, 1 категория, 2 категории, 5 категорий


Languages with translation completion less than 25% are not committed to version control. If the project consists of multiple message groups, the limit is applied to each group separately.

Translation updates are exported to version control every Monday and Thursday.


Translation statistics

The numbers shown below are cached and may not show the latest status. See this stats page for always up-to-date statistics.

Language Messages Untranslated Completion Reviewed Outdated
ar: Arabic 1,287 1,248 3% 100% 0%
bn: Bangla 1,287 1,208 6% 0% 0%
br: Breton 1,287 1,092 15% 0% 1%
ce: Chechen 1,287 1,189 7% 0% 0%
cy: Welsh 1,287 1,243 3% 0% 0%
de: German 1,287 1,100 14% 12% 1%
diq: Zazaki 1,287 1,171 9% 0% 0%
en: English 1,287 0 100% 0% 0%
eo: Esperanto 1,287 1,248 3% 0% 1%
es: Spanish 1,287 1,000 22% 82% 1%
fi: Finnish 1,287 1,188 7% 0% 1%
fr: French 1,287 3 99% 13% 0%
frc: Cajun French 1,287 1,261 2% 0% 0%
gu: Gujarati 1,287 1,246 3% 0% 1%
guw: Gun 1,287 1,207 6% 0% 1%
he: Hebrew 1,287 1,231 4% 7% 0%
hif-latn: Fiji Hindi (Latin script) 1,287 1,253 2% 0% 0%
hy: Armenian 1,287 1,169 9% 48% 1%
hyw: Western Armenian 1,287 1,227 4% 0% 1%
id: Indonesian 1,287 1,144 11% 0% 1%
it: Italian 1,287 1,247 3% 2% 0%
ja: Japanese 1,287 697 45% 0% 5%
kn: Kannada 1,287 1,168 9% 0% 0%
ko: Korean 1,287 1,154 10% 0% 1%
lb: Luxembourgish 1,287 1,061 17% 9% 0%
lt: Lithuanian 1,287 1,075 16% 0% 0%
mk: Macedonian 1,287 1,130 12% 0% 0%
my: Burmese 1,287 1,192 7% 0% 0%
nl: Dutch 1,287 1,182 8% 0% 0%
pl: Polish 1,287 1,210 5% 0% 1%
pms: Piedmontese 1,287 0 100% 0% 0%
pt-br: Brazilian Portuguese 1,287 8 99% 0% 0%
qqq: Message documentation 1,287 0 100% 0% 0%
ru: Russian 1,287 1,019 20% 34% 0%
scn: Sicilian 1,287 1,234 4% 0% 1%
sdh: Southern Kurdish 1,287 1,192 7% 0% 0%
skr-arab: Saraiki (Arabic script) 1,287 1,035 19% 0% 0%
sl: Slovenian 1,287 1,087 15% 0% 1%
sms: Skolt Sami 1,287 1,247 3% 0% 0%
sro: Campidanese Sardinian 1,287 1,242 3% 0% 0%
sv: Swedish 1,287 1,135 11% 22% 3%
te: Telugu 1,287 1,045 18% 0% 1%
tr: Turkish 1,287 1,174 8% 10% 1%
tyv: Tuvinian 1,287 1,210 5% 0% 1%
uk: Ukrainian 1,287 1,052 18% 23% 1%
xmf: Mingrelian 1,287 1,250 2% 0% 0%
zh-hans: Simplified Chinese 1,287 159 87% 1% 1%
zh-hant: Traditional Chinese 1,287 0 100% 67% 0%
All 48 languages together 61,776 47,633 22% 11% 1%

Map of translators

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Add yourself to map See also: Category:Colorless echo JavaScript kit translators — all users that registered their participation in their user page (including those not indicating their location).