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Translating talk:KDE

From translatewiki.net

Praise, discussion, questions, concerns, suggestions...


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Progress?313:08, 18 February 2014
Promoting216:04, 17 March 2013
I offer my wholehearted support for this motion220:42, 15 March 2013
Great idea019:03, 15 March 2013

Some news about it all? There is only silent for almost year.

KuboF (talk)19:29, 17 February 2014

Yes, the status reported on the page is still current: «The proposal for an Akademy presentation was submitted and rejected; Nike will not be able to attend Akademy. The project needs a lead willing to push it and to find/assist pioneering language teams». The existing translation teams raised barriers on mailing lists and Nike was not able to attend Akademy so this didn't progress. It could progress if someone found at least one language willing to embrace the translatewiki.net way fully, or even better a new language not yet translated or with zero active translators which would start a new team, fully translatewiki.net-based. We've not yet found one such language, if you can find one please let us know!

Nemo (talk)21:10, 17 February 2014

I would be willing to do the Cologinal translations but I would likely be doing that alone, not with a team. As a matter of fact, being a user of KDE, I would be quite interested in having it translated in my mother tongue.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)12:21, 18 February 2014

Hi Purodha, interesting! Can you ask their i18n people[1] if a new ksh locale would ever be accepted, also telling them the ksh team (founded by you and initially composed of you only) would channel their contributions via translatewiki.net?

Nemo (talk)13:08, 18 February 2014

Has this idea been mentioned in mailing-lists? Or in Userbase? Where else would it reach potential users? Blog post in planetKDE?

Jessej (talk)07:56, 16 March 2013

Not yet, I've only been talking to people on #kde-www so far. The time to send newsletter came up now and we decided to include this topic in it even though it would be the first announcement of this proposal.

Nike (talk)08:26, 16 March 2013

There is a discussion going on on kde-i18n-doc now. I will be making a blog post (at least one) and hopefully I will also talk at Akademy. Any other ideas?

Nike (talk)16:04, 17 March 2013

I offer my wholehearted support for this motion

I think it would be brilliant if the KDE localisation project was moved to Translatewiki.net. The current website (which uses the KDE3 style, like almost all KDE sites unfortunately) presents a large barrier to most people including me, and I was not very enthusiastic about signing up for it.

But I've always been enthusiastic about quality software translations. As a full-time KDE user (with no other operating systems/desktop environments on my computer), I would be proud to improve the quality of the translation (it's fairly complete) for the Greek language, and I strongly believe that the KDE localisation project would grow massively were it hosted on Translatewiki.net. Additionally, KDE e.V. won't have to pay for the required infrastructure anymore.

So in conclusion, I think a migration to Translatewiki.net to handle KDE translations would be greatly beneficial to the KDE Software Compilation, KDE e.V. and the KDE users' community in just about every single way possible.

My only reserve is that developers of individual applications (e.g. KDE games developers) are sometimes cut off from the wider KDE ecosystem (e.g. a lot of Kontact developers also work on Akonadi)... they would need to be exposed to Translatewiki.net somehow and be willing to take translations from here and into their software projects. I'm confident something can be worked out, though. :)

Yannis A |19:20, 15 March 2013

I think the two databases could easily be synchronized, so that users can still contribute using Lokalize (or other .po editor) pulling/pushing messages directly to KDE servers.

Miha (talk)20:35, 15 March 2013

Yes, the Translate extension export can handle that. When translation for MediaWiki started here, there were people still translating via direct commit, it wasn't an immediate complete switch.

Of course, it's easier for people to coordinate and collaborate if they use a single tool, so the general idea is to support only the languages whose teams want to use translatewiki.net, meaning that all of them want to move here and no conflicts happen.

Nemo (talk)20:42, 15 March 2013

Great idea

I think this would be a great idea, since not everyone has access to Lokalize (or other .po editors). It is perfect sollution from translations on the go, and we could benefit from already existing translated messages database. The only problem might in my opinion be different conventions for translating message strings for MediaWiki and KDE.

Miha (talk)19:03, 15 March 2013