User:Raymond/Id test
Stuff to test here:
- Click all the anchor links and make sure they work (except the one where you're expected to get back to the previous section).
- Edit the two sections where editing is supposed to work correctly.
- Check that returning from history works correctly in the one case where it's supposed to.
Note: editing this section or returning from history do not work.
0 2
Note: this has a duplicate id, so anything you do to it will probably hit the previous section.
abc דאפ ascii-licious! "#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~
This section should work perfectly.
abc דאפ ascii-licious! "#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@[\]^_`{|}~
Note: editing this section or returning from history get you to the previous section (although there's no duplicate id).
Note: returning from history to this section does not work.
Note: editing this section or returning from history do not work.
Note: editing this section or returning from history do not work.