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User talk:Felis

From translatewiki.net

Ciao Felis, ho visto che hanno creato un nuovo tipo utente - quindi ti ho dato i diritti per "traduttore". Se hai domande per piacere rivolgiti in inglese a Siebrand. Buon lavoro!!! :-) Ciao, --SabineCretella 15:46, 10 September 2007 (UTC)


Ciao Felis, vedo che vai avanti tutta! bravo. Ci vuole una autorizzazione per tradurre vedo, come fare per averla? --Cornelia 18:46, 17 September 2007 (UTC)


Hi Felis! I see you translated very good for Sassarese, but only for the default messages. Could you please take a look at the extensions used by Wikimedia and translate a bit, if you want to? Thank you very much! SPQRobin 16:33, 8 January 2008 (UTC)

Babel extension on translatewiki.net

Hoi, we are implementing the Babel extension here on translatewiki.net. Would you be so good to localise it in the Sassaresu language? Thanks, GerardM 21:13, 13 July 2009 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback for new search translation features005:54, 15 July 2015

Feedback for new search translation features



We have introduced new features in Search Translations. Please read about it in phabricator or test wiki. It would be really helpful if you could give us some feedback about the new features in Search Translations.

Thank you and we shall be waiting for your feedback.

Phoenix303 (talk)05:54, 15 July 2015