Call to action to change the language.
Identical messages: [edit this list]
- Pageinfo-content-model-change [not capitalised] ("change")
- Pageinfo-language-change [not capitalised] ("change")
- Protect change [not capitalised] ("change")
- Abusefilter-history-diff [plural] ("Changes")
- Configure-old-changes [not capitalised, plural] ("changes")
- Contributionscores-changes [plural] ("Changes")
- Donate interface-change ("Change")
- Donate interface-currency-change [with trailing question mark] ("Change?")
- Masseditregex-num-changes [not capitalised, with PLURAL and parameter] ("$1: $2 {{PLURAL:$2|change|changes}}")
- Mobile-frontend-diffview-title [plural] ("Changes")
- Rcfilters-limit-and-date-label [not capitalised, with PLURAL and parameter] ("$1 {{PLURAL:$1|change|changes}}, $2")
- Wikibase-comment-multi [not capitalised, with PLURAL and parameter] ("$1 {{PLURAL:$1|change|changes}}")
- Wikieditor-preview-changes-tab [plural] ("Changes")
- Website-change ("Change")
- S change ("Change")
- Tracker-64fbd9-Change ("Change")
- Wikiedudashboard-application.change ("Change")
- Wikipedia-android-strings-watchlist page add to watchlist snackbar action ("Change")