About this gadget

@Pacha: Thank you for noticing.

It has been over ten years since I left this gadget here. I recognise it may seem strange, but these blue markings were in fact the gadget's sole purpose. It was to help visually debug which parts of layout were marked by the software as left-to-right, and which right-to-left.

The gadget had no other purpose, and I have not needed it in quite some time. It is safe to delete. I no longer have interface-admin rights on this wiki, however, so someone else will have to do that. I have asked Nikerabbit to do this.

Krinkle (talk)23:34, 13 May 2022

@Krinkle, thank you for the responce! I think it was already fixed. I've not seen it around 10 months or so :) All the best,

Pacha Tchernof (talk)09:29, 14 May 2022