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Twice use of PLURAL

Well, it is broken then. Check it in Flow notification. Like: http://imgur.com/qvyLSes So, reverting it is good idea, IMHO. I don't have earlier image to compare sadly.

kartik.mistry@gmail.com (talk)11:14, 5 April 2014

Dhavalbhai, see the broken PLURAL double usage: http://i.imgur.com/iDwjPYv.png

User:KartikMistry (talk)04:37, 6 April 2014

Thank you for making me aware of its breakage. I have removed the other Plural, and reworded it. Please check and feel free to amend if you feel necessary.

Dhaval (ધવલ) (talk)12:55, 21 April 2014