"You can translate it in minutes!"

You are right on the information points to deliver. However, we try to make the message short and positive. For example, "It won't be long and boring" seems less encouraging than "It would be fast and fun". Translation removes many of the barriers required to make a great contribution (you don't need to master all policies, just to write the same thing you are reading in another language you know). So I think it is appropriate to provide a bit of encouragement in this case.

Pginer (talk)15:25, 1 February 2023

I see, thanks. I don't have much to add to this discussion any more, but I want to make sure it can be referenced when someone has a similar doubt. Should I link Thread:Support/"You_can_translate_it_in_minutes!" from MediaWiki:Cx-uls-relevant-languages-panel-message/qqq?

whym05:22, 5 February 2023