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Direct comparison of the classic and the so called "new interface"

Direct comparison of the classic and the so called "new interface"

Comparison (screenshot #12)

I tried to create a direct comparison between the classic interface and the so called "new interface". I wanted to see what's better in the new interface. But even the little things that are actually better make other things worse.

  • Most of the information on the screen are switched from top to bottom and put into a tiny little scroll window. This is good for the description which is on top now but bad for everything else.
  • I consider my supporting languages the most important information. It was the first information in the classic interface. Now it is the last information. I have to scroll two (!) pages to see it.
  • The English text is fixed on the left and can not be hidden. Everything else can be hidden. Why? This does not make any sense except your native language is English. All languages settings (supporting languages, interface language) are ignored. It's always English on the left. It's very hard to do a translation from (for example) French to German. The new interface forces you to use English. This was a lot easier in the classic interface.
  • It was a lot easier to edit existing translations in the classic interface. I got a lot of information (supporting languages, suggestions) and everything was well readable. In the new interface everything is hidden and crippled and broken. It focuses on the English message and the English description. The new interface is obviously made to enter new translations based on the English source but not to edit existing ones.
  • The fonts are bigger. This is good because it is better readable. But the same time it is bad because it needs more space.
  • The edit window is bigger. But this is not needed. All it does is wasting space. In the classic interface it was a single line that got bigger when I entered more text. This feature is removed in the new interface.
  • The summary line is completely missing. Why?
  • Some parts do not make sense in the tiny little scroll window. It creates a lot of confusing line breaks. There is a long text about "click expand to expand" that do not make sense because it wastes a lot of space instead of simply showing what's hidden behind the "expand" button. All in all the right half of the edit interface looks broken and cripled and confusing. This was no problem in the classic interface (see the screenshot).
TMg (talk)17:58, 18 April 2013