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Oh, that dictionary looks excellent! I looked up a few of your suggestions there, and I got curious about some things:

  • According to the dictionary "Biidaajimowin-mamizhim" sounds like news journalism. It's not necessarily that. It's about physical concrete things, like image files and videos. Is this word also appropriate?
  • "User" is "Giin-aanji'". In the actual translations, I also see the words "Wiin-aabaji'", "giin-aanji'", and some others. Can you explain the difference? I guess it's a matter of grammar.
  • "Talk": you suggest "gaagiigido". The dictionary says that it's a verb, and the noun is "gaagiigidowin". Just verifying: is it correct to use the word that is listed as a verb? In other languages it's usually a noun. If you're sure that it's right, I'll add it as you suggest.
  • The explanation of "Indoodem" in the dictionary is very interesting. Apparently it's related to the word "totem", that is also in some other languages. This one is listed as "my clan" in the dictionary. Is it appropriate for "category", which is an abstract concept that can be applied to any article, and not necessarily related to a particular user. Again, I'm just checking; if you're sure that it's correct, I'll add it.
  • "Gaapii giimoodad": The dictionary says that "Gaapii" means "coffee" and "giimoodad" means "it is secret". I guess (but I might be wrong!) that "it is secret" refers to "code", but why is "coffee" there? Or is the dictionary just wrong or incomplete about this?
Amir E. Aharoni (talk)07:49, 23 May 2021