Help! pt-br translations in pt

Do a search on the internet and stop creating accounts to revert me.

VítoR™ (♪)13:01, 11 May 2014

First, you have not proved anything yet. And most interesting, pt version is default on portuguese projects, so the majority of users (most from brazil) are reading an entirely european version, because pt-br only appears if you chenge your preferences. Brilliant.

Luckas (talk)14:59, 11 May 2014

First, I don't have to prove anything. Only takes a few seconds to search on internet and prove what I'm saying. Second, if you have that option to switch to "pt-br", what is the point of having Brazilian on portuguese european version? Why Europeans can't have their own version? You're just being ridiculous... Third, it's not cool creating other accounts to do your vandalism.

VítoR™ (♪)17:13, 11 May 2014