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Google Summer of Code/2009/schedule

From translatewiki.net


The purpose of this schedule is to assign tasks to each week. It is used to track that project stays on schedule. Currently I aim to finish at least all non-P4 tasks.

Week 1 (36h)

  • 2h 2h P1 B (4h): Sometimes the edit area is filled with some translation, sometimes it is not
  • 4h 4h P1 F (10h): Export core special page aliases from command line
With namespaces and magic words free
  • ~33h ~33h P1 F (10h): Make message translation status checks fast
  • ~2h ~2h P2 F (2h): Fix the FIXMEs in Special:LanguageStats and make it faster
With help of Siebrand
  • P2 F (2h): Create a special page with real-time statistics for an extension group.
Still not fast enough. Postponed until we can fill the cache from command line scripts or something
  • P3 F (8h): Make extension message file parser output more informative error messages than just “failed”
Postponing this too. According to Duesentrieb we need a new parser for PHP message files. Fixed one case with wrong newlines, which is the hardest to detect.

The two above should be re-checked after Tim's work.

Week 2 (38h)

  • 10h 10h P2 F (20h): Add standard support for localisation of Magic words in MediaWiki extensions
A bit slow but works.
  • 20h 20h P2 F (12h): Make it possible to blacklist messages from sanity checks, as some just should not be reported
  • 0.5h 0.5h P1 B (1h): Special:AdvancedTranslate export fails when local underlying page is not present. Gives HTML output in form.
  • 15min 15min P2 B (1h): Core-mostused group does not work on Windows
  • ~4h ~4h P4 C (4h): Audit the parsing of files in the extension for problems with newlines

Week 3 (40h)

  • 20h 20h P2 F (40h): Editing of messages using AJAX
Prototype at least... could of course be improved further

Week 4 (38h)

  • 10h 10h P2 F (20h): Basic language independent translation memory
Just very basic, but currently I have no idea for improvements, except to automate the database creation
  • 3h 3h P2 F (18h): Fix plural handling in Gettext support
Needs manual intervention when plural is used for the first time, because I don't want to build a database of plural rules

Week 5 (34h)

  • 16h 16h P3 F (12h): Enable Gettext po file submission through web UI
  • 3h 3h P2 F (4h): User defined assistance languages
  • 2h 2h P3 F (8h): Export for pages using tag translate, so that they can be copied to another instance of MediaWiki easily.
There is now link in the toolbox, which links to Special:Export with all the pages. May be problems with GET-limit, but should work otherwise. – Nike 12:30, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
  • 6h 6h P1 F (10h): Check for conflicting special page alias translations inside and between languages

Week 6 (36h)

  • P3 F (2h): Add translation hint to fuzzy messages
I've hesitating whether this is good solution at all, and to which problem.
  • 4h 4h P3 F (2h): Add links to extension pages in mediawiki.org at Special:Translate.
  • P4 F (24h): User defined fallback languages in MediaWiki
Would require massive changes even with the new localisation system. Unlikely to happen in this project.
  • P4 F (8h): Quotation consistency checking on language level

Week 7 (40h)

  • P2 F (40h): Tool to track changes in English messages with web processing to enable fuzzying and “incompatible with lower branch” tagging
Partly done, branch support missing.
Buggy. Does not work when trying to fuzzy

Week 8 (40h)

  • P4 F (20h): We should pull more data out of CLDR (time zone translations, country name translations)
  • P4 F (20h): Edit message in multiple languages