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Plural/Mediawiki plural rules/row

From translatewiki.net

Example of rendering with one row for one language code

Code Language name (in English) Group CLDR rules CLDR examples for integers CLDR examples for decimal numbers
[en]EnglishDefaultonen is 111.0
other0, 1–100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, ...0.0–0.9, 1.1–9.9, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, 100000.0, 1000000.0, ...
The documentation of this template is included from the Plural/Mediawiki plural rules/row/doc page. [Edit]
Summary description.
Plural/Mediawiki plural rules/row|
1 = language code |
group = common group of plural rules |
note = note |
r = number of rules |
r0 = rule zero |
e0 = examples of zero as an integer |
d0 = examples of zero with decimals |
r1 = rule one |
e1 = examples of one as an integer |
d1 = examples of one with decimals |
r2 = rule two |
e2 = examples of two as an integer |
d2 = examples of two with decimals |
rf = rule few |
ef = examples of few as an integer |
df = examples of few with decimals |
rm = rule many |
em = examples of many as an integer |
dm = examples of many with decimals |
e = examples of other as an integer |
d = examples of other with decimals }}
  • 1= language code (required)
  • group= common group of plural rules (optional)
  • note= notes (optional)
  • r = number of rules (optional)
  • r0= rule for zero (optional)
  • e0= example values of zero as an integer (optional, only used if r0 is set)
  • d0= example values of zero with decimals (optional, only used if r0 is set)
  • r1= rule for one (optional)
  • e1= example values of one as an integer (optional, only used if r1 is set)
  • d1= example values of one with decimals (optional, only used if r1 is set)
  • r2= rule for two (optional)
  • e2= example values of two as an integer (optional, only used if r2 is set)
  • d2= example values of two with decimals (optional, only used if r2 is set)
  • rf= rule for few (optional)
  • ef= example values of few as an integer (optional, only used if rf is set)
  • df= example values of few with decimals (optional, only used if rf is set)
  • rm= rule for many (optional)
  • em= example values of many as an integer (optional, only used if rm is set)
  • dm= example values of many with decimals (optional, only used if rm is set)
  • e= example values for other as an integer (optional)
  • d= example values for other with decimals (optional)
Plural/Mediawiki plural rules/row|
1 = ar |
group = <kbd>[https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/languages/classes/LanguageAr.php arabic]</kbd> |
note = <sup>[a]</sup> |
r = 6 |
r0 = n is 0 |
r1 = n is 1 |
r2 = n is 2 |
rf = n mod 100 in 3..10 |
ef = 3–10, 103–110, 203–210... |
df = 3.0–10.0, 103.0–110.0, 203.0–210.0... |
rm = n mod 100 in 11..99 |
em = 11–99, 111–199, 211–299, ... |
em = 11.0–99.0, 111.0–199.0, 211.0–299.0, ... |
e = 100–102, 200–202, 300–302, ... |
d = 0.1–0.9, 1.1–1.9, 2.1–2.9, 100.0–102.9, 200.0–202.9, 300.0–302.9, ... }}

generates this table row:
zeron is 000.0
onen is 111.0
twon is 222.0
fewn mod 100 in 3–103–10, 103–110, 203–210...3.0–10.0, 103.0–110.0, 203.0–210.0...
manyn mod 100 in 11–9911–99, 111–199, 211–299, ...11.0–99.0, 111.0–199.0, 211.0–299.0, ...
other100–102, 200–202, 300–302, ...0.1–0.9, 1.1–1.9, 2.1–2.9, 100.0–102.9, 200.0–202.9, 300.0–302.9, ...
See also: