abuse | translation | "misbruik" |
usage_notes | "abuse log → filterlogboek" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-06-02" |
access | translation | "''(zn)'' toegang; ''(ww)'' inzien, benaderen, openen, opvragen, verkrijgen, toegankelijk zijn" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-21" |
accessed | @alias | "access" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
accesses | @alias | "access" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
accessing | @alias | "access" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
action | translation | "handeling" |
usage_notes | "* “Actie” is doorgaans ''niet'' de juiste vertaling.
* Een handeling wordt ''verricht'' (niet uitgevoerd of ondernomen).
* Soms is een andere zinswending in het Nederlands beter, bv. “This action will delete the draft page” → “Hierdoor wordt de conceptpagina verwijderd”" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-10" |
actions | @alias | "action" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
admin | @alias | "administrator" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-05" |
administrator | translation | "''(rol op nl.wikipedia)'' moderator; ''(algemeen)'' beheerder, systeembeheerder" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
administrators | @alias | "administrator" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
admins | @alias | "administrator" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-05" |
afd | translation | "TBP, te beoordelen pagina(’s)" |
usage_notes | "Zie [[:w:nl:Wikipedia:Te beoordelen pagina's]], het Nederlandse equivalent van [[:w:en:WIkipedia:Articles for deletion]]" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-01-11" |
autoconfirmed | translation | "automatisch bevestigd" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-08" |
boilerplate | translation | "modeltekst, standaardtekst" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-11" |
boilerplates | @alias | "boilerplate" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-11" |
caption | translation | "''(bij afbeelding)'' bijschrift; ''(bij video, meervoud)'' ondertitels, ondertiteling" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-01" |
captions | @alias | "caption" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-01" |
changeset | translation | "wijzigingenreeks, reeks wijzigingen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-29" |
changesets | @alias | "changeset" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-29" |
citation | translation | "referentie(s)" |
usage_notes | "In Wikimedia-sites vooral gebruikt voor referenties (<nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki>), graag in dat geval niet vertalen als "citaat"." |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-10-18" |
citations | @alias | "citation" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-10-18" |
cite | translation | "refereer" |
usage_notes | "In Wikimedia-sites vooral gebruikt voor referenties (<nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki>), graag in dat geval niet vertalen als "citeren"." |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-10-18" |
collapse | translation | "''(de onder een titel/samenvatting getoonde informatie verbergen)'' samenvouwen, inklappen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-01" |
collapsed | @alias | "collapse" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-03" |
collapses | @alias | "collapse" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-03" |
collapsing | @alias | "collapse" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-03" |
comment | @alias | "comments" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-25" |
comments | translation | "# ''(antwoord op een discussie- of overlegbericht)'' reactie
# ''(aanvullende informatie bij een aanvraag o.i.d.)'' opmerking
# ''(bij terugkoppeling)'' commentaar" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-26" |
copyedit | translation | "redigeren" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-14" |
copyediting | @alias | "copyedit" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-14" |
deployment | translation | "''(m.b.t. programmatuur)'' ingebruikname, inbedrijfstelling, inzet" |
usage_notes | "ook: het in gebruik nemen, het in bedrijf stellen, het inzetten" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-25" |
dismiss | translation | "1. afwijzen, verwerpen; 2. sluiten ''(bv. van een venster)''" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
dismissed | @alias | "dismiss" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-08" |
dismisses | @alias | "dismiss" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-08" |
dismissing | @alias | "dismiss" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-08" |
drop-down | @alias | "dropdown" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-12" |
dropdown | translation | "uitklap-, rol-, vervolgkeuze-" |
usage_notes | "dropdown menu → uitklapmenu, rolmenu
dropdown list → vervolgkeuzelijst
dropdown combo box → vervolgkeuzelijst met invoervak" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-12" |
expand | translation | "# uitbreiden
# ''(de onder een titel/samenvatting verborgen informatie zichtbaar maken)'' uitvouwen, uitklappen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-03" |
expanded | @alias | "expand" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-03" |
expanding | @alias | "expand" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-03" |
expands | @alias | "expand" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-29" |
extension | @alias | "extensions" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-31" |
extensions | translation | "# ''(m.b.t. MediaWiki)'' uitbreiding
# ''(m.b.t. bestandsnaam)'' extensie" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
factor | usage_notes | "two-factor authentication → tweetrapsauthenticatie
multi-factor authentication → meertrapsauthenticatie" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-14" |
farm | usage_notes | "wiki farm → wikifarm" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-31" |
farms | @alias | "farm" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-31" |
footer | translation | "voettekst" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
footers | @alias | "footer" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
fork | @alias | "forking" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-03" |
forked | @alias | "forking" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-03" |
forking | translation | "''(zn)'' afsplitsing; ''(ww)'' afsplitsen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
forks | @alias | "forking" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-03" |
fostered | translation | "misplaatst" |
usage_notes | "Zie [[:mw:Help:Lint errors/fostered/nl]]" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-14" |
gadget | translation | "gadget" |
usage_notes | "Niet vertalen; ‘[https://woordenlijst.org/#/?q=gadget gadget]’ staat in de Woordenlijst Nederlandse Taal. (De eerdere vertaling ‘uitbreiding’ was niet precies genoeg want die wordt al gebruikt voor een ‘extension’ van MediaWiki, wat iets heel anders is.)" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-01" |
gadgets | @alias | "gadget" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-01" |
highlight | translation | "# uitlichten, in de schijnwerpers zetten
# aanduiden, markeren, accentueren, ''(indien d.m.v. kleur)'' kleuren" |
usage_notes | "syntax highlighting → [[:w:nl:syntaxiskleuring|syntaxiskleuring]], syntaxismarkering, syntaxisaanduiding
syntax highlighter → syntaxismarkeerder (n.b.: soms kan hiervoor beter ''syntax highlight'''ing''''' worden vertaald; bv. ''use the PHP syntax highlighter'' → ''de syntaxiskleuring voor PHP gebruiken'')" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
highlighted | @alias | "highlight" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
highlighter | @alias | "highlight" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
highlighting | @alias | "highlight" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
highlights | @alias | "highlight" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
icon | translation | "pictogram" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-15" |
icons | @alias | "icon" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-15" |
iff | translation | "dan en slechts dan als" |
usage_notes | "(n.b.: ''iff'' is een in logicakringen gebruikelijke afkorting van ''if and only if''; in het Nederlands korten we dit niet af)" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-04" |
image | translation | "afbeelding" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-02-06" |
inconsistencies | @alias | "inconsistency" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-06-13" |
inconsistency | translation | "tegenstrijdigheid, onsamenhangendheid" |
usage_notes | "to remove inconsistencies → tegenstrijdigheden wegnemen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-06-13" |
infobox | translation | "infovak" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
infoboxes | @alias | "infobox" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
inline | translation | "in de tekst/regel (opgenomen), ingebed, ingevoegd" |
usage_notes | "an inline citation → een in de tekst opgenomen citaat
an inline form → een ingebed formulier
an inline query → een ingevoegde zoekopdracht
inline skating → [[:w:nl:skaten|skaten]], inlineskaten" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-22" |
instance | translation | "exemplaar, installatie, instantie" |
usage_notes | "* “instantie” is moeilijk jargon; gebruik zo mogelijk liever “exemplaar”, “server” of “installatie”
* soms kan dit voor de leesbaarheid ook gewoon weggelaten worden, bv. "create a form instance" → "een formulier aanmaken"" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-12" |
instances | @alias | "instance" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
linefeed | @alias | "newline" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-09" |
linefeeds | @alias | "newline" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-09" |
link | translation | "''(zn)'' koppeling; ''(ww)'' koppelen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
linked | @alias | "link" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-07" |
linking | @alias | "link" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-07" |
links | @alias | "link" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-07" |
log | translation | "logboek (zelfstandig naamwoord)
inloggen (oud) of aanmelden (werkwoord voor inloggen met staand account)
inschrijven (werkwoord voor account creatie)" |
usage_notes | "to log in (to) → (zich) aanmelden (bij)
to log out (of) → (zich) afmelden (bij)
Let op het verschil tussen inschrijven = accountaanmaak, en aanmelden = inloggen op een bestaand account.
abuse log → filterlogboek" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-20" |
login | translation | "(ww.) (zich) aanmelden (bij)
(zn.) 1. aanmelding; 2. gebruikersnaam" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-21" |
logout | translation | "(zich) afmelden (bij)" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-22" |
mentee | translation | "leerling" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-14" |
mentees | @alias | "mentee" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-14" |
mention | translation | "vermelden" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-30" |
metadata | translation | "metagegevens" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-13" |
move | translation | "# ''(MediaWiki-pagina)'' hernoemen
# verplaatsen
# bewegen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-12" |
moved | @alias | "move" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-12" |
moves | @alias | "move" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-12" |
moving | @alias | "move" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-12" |
mute | translation | "dempen" |
@metadata | editors | "Sjoerddebruin" |
"McDutchie" |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
muted | @alias | "mute" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
muting | @alias | "mute" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
newline | translation | "regeleinde" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-09" |
newlines | @alias | "newline" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-09" |
notability | translation | "relevantie" |
usage_notes | "zie [[:w:nl:Wikipedia:Relevantie]]" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-18" |
notification | translation | "melding" |
@metadata | editors | "Sjoerddebruin" |
"McDutchie" |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
notifications | @alias | "notification" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
outreach | translation | "voorlichting" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-25" |
overridden | @alias | "override" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-11" |
override | translation | "''(ww)'' overschrijven, vervangen, teniet doen, opheffen, omzeilen, negeren, terzijde schuiven, voorbijgaan aan, buiten werking stellen; ''(zn)'' overschrijving, vervanging, opheffing, omzeiling, terzijdestelling, buitenwerkingstelling" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
overrides | @alias | "override" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-11" |
overriding | @alias | "override" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-11" |
pending | translation | "openstaand, in behandeling, in afwachting" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-02" |
pipe | translation | "# ''(zn)'' sluisteken
# ''(zn)'' pijplijn
# ''(ww)'' sluizen, voeren, leiden" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
piped | @alias | "pipe" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-07" |
pipes | @alias | "pipe" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-07" |
piping | @alias | "pipe" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-07" |
preview | translation | "''(zn)'' voorvertoning;
''(ww)'' een voorvertoning weergeven van" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
previewed | @alias | "preview" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
previewing | @alias | "preview" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
previews | @alias | "preview" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
protect | @alias | "protected" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-22" |
protected | translation | "''(m.b.t. wikipagina’s)'' beveiligen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-30" |
protecting | @alias | "protected" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-22" |
protects | @alias | "protected" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-22" |
queried | @alias | "query" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
queries | @alias | "query" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
query | translation | "''(zn.)'' zoekopdracht, zoekvraag, aanvraag, query
''(ww.)'' zoeken, opvragen, bevragen" |
usage_notes | "query builder → zoekopdrachtbouwer" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
querying | @alias | "query" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
readers | translation | "lezers" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-08" |
redirect | translation | "''(zn)'' doorverwijzing; ''(ww)'' doorverwijzen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
redirected | @alias | "redirect" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-14" |
redirecting | @alias | "redirect" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-14" |
redirects | @alias | "redirect" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-14" |
register | @alias | "registered" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-20" |
registered | translation | "# ''(bij een website, organisatie, evenement, enz.)'' zich inschrijven
# vastleggen, opnemen, registreren
# tonen, laten zien, aangeven, verschijnen" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-20" |
registering | @alias | "registered" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-20" |
rescore | translation | "''(ww.)'' herschikken
''(zn.)'' herschikking" |
usage_notes | "Zie https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/filter-search-results.html#rescore" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
rescored | @alias | "rescore" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
rescores | @alias | "rescore" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
rescoring | @alias | "rescore" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
revision | translation | "# versie
# bewerking" |
usage_notes | "Wanneer het gaat om een versie/revisie/bewerking in de geschiedenis van een pagina o.i.d., gebruiken we ‘versie’ en niet ‘revisie’.
Afkankelijk van de context kan ''revision'' soms beter als ''bewerking'' vertaald worden." |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-03" |
revisions | @alias | "revision" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
sandbox | translation | "# ''(kladpagina op een wiki)'' kladblok
# ''(software-veiligheidsbarrière)'' [[:w:nl:Sandbox (software)|sandbox]], zandbak" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-29" |
sandboxes | @alias | "sandbox" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-29" |
screenshot | translation | "schermafbeelding" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-30" |
screenshots | @alias | "screenshot" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-30" |
sitelink | translation | "sitekoppeling" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
skin | translation | "vormgeving" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
skins | @alias | "skin" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
slot | translation | "# ''(in MediaWiki)'' segment
# tijdsinterval
# sleuf" |
usage_notes | "In MediaWiki is een ''slot'' een segment (onderdeel) van een paginaversie. Zie [[:mw:Manual:Slot]] voor uitleg." |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-11-01" |
slots | @alias | "slot" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-11-01" |
snak | translation | "snak" |
usage_notes | "Niet vertalen. Zie [[:mw:Wikibase/DataModel#Snaks]]" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-05" |
spiderfied | @alias | "spiderfy" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-06-18" |
spiderfies | @alias | "spiderfy" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-06-18" |
spiderfy | translation | "laten uitwaaieren" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-06-18" |
spiderfying | @alias | "spiderfy" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-06-18" |
stub | translation | "beginnetje" |
usage_notes | "zie [[:w:nl:Sjabloon:Beginnetje]]" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-01" |
stubs | @alias | "stub" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-05-01" |
suppress | translation | "''(MediaWiki)'' onzichtbaar maken; ''(algemeen)'' onderdrukken" |
usage_notes | "zie [[:w:nl:Wikipedia:Oversight]]" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
suppressed | @alias | "suppress" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
suppressing | @alias | "suppress" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
survey | translation | "vragenlijst" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-25" |
surveys | @alias | "survey" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-25" |
sysop | @alias | "administrator" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
sysops | @alias | "administrator" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
tag | @alias | "tags" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-09" |
tagged | @alias | "tags" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-09" |
tagging | @alias | "tags" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-09" |
tags | translation | "# label, labelen
# ''(HTML e.d.)'' tag" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-09-04" |
their | translation | "''(ev)'' diens, de/het; ''(mv)'' hun" |
usage_notes | "De ''singular they'' vertalen we vooralsnog als: they=die, them=dien, their=diens.
Soms voldoet voor het bez.vnw. ‘their’ ook een bepaald lidwoord (de/het), bv. “the user revoked ''their'' own access” → “de gebruiker heeft ''de'' eigen toegang ingetrokken”." |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
toggle | translation | "# omschakelen
# in-/uitschakelen, tonen/verbergen, enz." |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-05" |
topic | translation | "onderwerp" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-25" |
topics | @alias | "topic" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-04-25" |
user | translation | "gebruiker" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-02-06" |
user page | translation | "gebruikerspagina" |
@metadata | editors | "Sjoerddebruin" |
"McDutchie" |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
user pages | @alias | "user page" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-10-30" |
whitelist | translation | "''(zn)'' toelatingslijst; ''(ww)'' toelaten" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-17" |
whitelisted | @alias | "whitelist" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
whitelisting | @alias | "whitelist" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
whitelists | @alias | "whitelist" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-11-06" |
wiktionary | translation | "WikiWoordenboek" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-07-24" |
wildcard | translation | "joker, joker-" |
usage_notes | "bv.: wildcard character → jokerteken" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-12" |
wildcards | @alias | "wildcard" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2024-08-12" |
workflow | translation | "werkstroom, procedure" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-14" |
workflows | @alias | "workflow" |
@metadata | editors | |
date_modified | "2023-12-14" |